Don K

I didn’t call him some hack.

There’s more to a movie than getting a passing grade by greater than 50% of critics.

Neither. Sicario 2 was a bad idea because it wasn’t directed by Denis Villeneuve (and Roger Deakins ain’t no slouch either).

Where’s that guy that was defending this director as a solid Hollywood choice to direct a Denis Villeneuve followup because he did Gomorrah?

Cuz the movie needed him to do things, and the production company needed a movie to capitalize on the Sicario’s decent box office success and great reviews.

The report doesn’t elaborate as to how or where Ramos purchased the shotgun

alex pareene 2020

lol still not one actual action stated

Voters deserve a party that will do something, even if it turns out to be futile; a party that will rage and fight for their rights.

Uhh, Republicans still have 50 votes without McCain, and Dems aren’t leading a walkout.

I like how you used 150 words to not suggest one thing Dems can do.

did u forget

This just in: Splinter News complaining that Dems aren’t doing anything when... they can’t do anything.

dw your politics editor is still ambivalent if given the clinton/trump choice

This is Splinter News analysis in a nutshell.

Somehow it’s been lost on people (cough, Blest) that your typical blue-collar white voter is not socially/culturally progressive.

Ocasio-Cortez’s victory is arguably the biggest win for the left so far in the Trump era, and is indicative of the direction that the Democratic Party needs to go in—forcefully advocating for the working class, people of color, and immigrants, and articulating a clear vision of how this country can change for the

Oo picking fights on the internet over hyperbole and semantics, ur good at this interneting thing.

o. welcome to the internet u sweet naive baby

When The Last Of Us Part II’s new trailer debuted at this year’s E3, protagonist Ellie enjoyed a slow dance and kiss with another woman. My queer friends and I confessed to one another that we were assuming the worst. That happy girl will probably die, because while games allow us to be many things—space marines,