Don K

For proof positive that the American political blogging system is fucked beyond repair, look no further a new report suggesting that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg blogging network whose political editor thought Donald Trump was a better on foreign policy than Hilary Clinton and a news reporter who only

if you hadn’t already displayed your lack of knowledge regarding Ross.

Yoko Kanno!

He ran on the exact platform he then spent almost 20 years pushing for. He’s basically the epitome of an “honest” politician.

Hint: When you see a movie with one of the better directors at its helm, then a sequel with a nobody, run.

you can do humans and naked mole rats too :)

This just in, comedians still agree, nothing is really off-limits, as long as the joke is good enough.

6/19/2018, the date Jack Mirkinson learns Democrats are pro-government.

The die-hard Trump supporters barely waver regardless of what Trump does, considering Trump has flip-flopped on every issue and they’ve mostly supported him.

People are not paying 40 million dollars for another cut of Justice League.

I think you can learn to be funnier, tho. Like, learning to tighten up jokes, or changing your delivery a little.

No! Don’t be reasonable here on Splinter News Kinja Comments!

You live in West Virginia huh?

Considering the wall doesn’t exist and all of those candidates would’ve been nominated without his votes, if the campaign is successful, it seems like a pretty savvy political move?

American Ultra’s Max Landis is now coining phrases?

Sorry, I misunderstood.

It’s really telling how you need to wait for other people to break it down to understand how poorly that went for the US.

I have yet to see someone put into words their reasons for having such a low opinion of this movie that can’t be traced back to internal bias, either nostalgia or sexism-induced.

Classy? You’re getting conned.

I think big cinematic universe studio movies are part of the same problem as Ocean’s or Ghostbusters. The only difference is that Disney actually tries to make good (if often simple and formulaic and as widely-appealing-as-possible) movies.