Don K

your punchlines needs a lil bit of work

insert obligatory xkcd password comic

still a bit of irony when black cops kill black guys cuz they’re black (and cops have god complexes and fairly unrestricted license to kills and ingrained stereotypes against black people even if they’re black)

I’m so confused. Mika and Joe had a segment where they were like

I think attacking the media is a fine thing to do. Just look at some of the liberal lefty mainstream media protecting Huckabee and Trump. It should really give you a hint as to how lots of people in journalism are hacks.

Maggie Haberman has been a Trump shill for a while.

Still don’t know how people can’t separate things in their mind.

did you even read either article? the entire thesis is that Suckabee is good at this because you could sense the hesitation and humanity in the other guys, meaning they had a much harder time sticking to their outright lies . She has none of those conscientious concerns.

I doubt it. She couldn’t command any other room, but she’s given a role where people have to listen to her. Then she goes out there and lies.

A pretty-bad PR person could do this with ease.

The average Republican senator votes together about 90% of the time.

Maybe when you start using facts and proper logic to form your opinions.

form your own opinions for once

Stop group-thinking and look at information and make a decision for yourself.

I’m sick of always ceding ground to Republicans.

O ok. So the red state where Bernie Sanders would’ve lost to Trump by probably 30 points is where the non-incumbent liberal Democrat will beat the Republican because Bernie had the some of the most support and votes of all the states there, which is why he also got crushed in the national primary.

You mean Sanders overwhelming won WV when going against a Republican?

You would definitely not remember your sentiment if Manchin got primaried and a more liberal Democrat without an incumbency advantage lost in the state with the highest approval of Trump.

I think if you are willing to approach this subject honestly, it should be obvious that a line must be drawn somewhere. If not, the logic eventually leads to acceptance of a single “open” division between the sexes, effectively extinguishing women’s athletics.

How many people have even bothered trying that jump?