I remember when I was growing up in an Asian household, my family referred to all other Asians as “that Asian [american cultural reference].”
I remember when I was growing up in an Asian household, my family referred to all other Asians as “that Asian [american cultural reference].”
“‘I’m not an asshole, but I play one on reality TV.’ This makes you an asshole” he tweeted.
The weirdest part about this video is the black guy saying that this is “almost normalized,” as if the, y’know, history of America, and humanity, and college kids, and racism, and white people, hasn’t really shown that it’s been normalized for like, the history of America and humanity and whatever.
“People hate Hillary and while it makes sense for them to run against/away her, it’s a problem for people running against/away from her, and she’s a problem for everyone. Also I haven’t considered that the Republicans can create a boogeyman for their base to run against at will so there might not actually be a problem…
tbf his guns is pointed down and finger off the trigger, and i’d bet dollars to donuts it’s not loaded
Malicious idiots could get even dumber or more malicious.
Where’s that guy that said people shouldn’t be outraged at Wells Fargo because they didn’t actively cost people money unlike Facebook or something?
O did economic pressures make you think that Donald “imma skirt wars with Russia by doing limp-dicked missile launches but make the US entirely lose its standing in the international community and maybe start a bunch of other wars and hey look China is now leading the world in a bunch of groups and LETS START A TRADE…
There are still Dems who vote along with the Reps, and against their own party.
Good understanding of how the White House works.
Fox News is saying it... Trump is saying it... after hearing that Comey still stands by his decision it some Dems say it...
90%... ain’t good enough.
He’s not a Trump whisperer.
To be fair, a lot of people are telling Comey to be quiet.
Remember when Splinter News Political Editor Alex Pareene couldn’t decide between Trump and Hillary Clinton on foreign policy?
Good analysis there bro. Let’s suggest the White House Staff Secretary, of which just about everything in the administration runs through, had no influence because you put the word “fucking” inbetween his name.
Get a life. They’re well-crafted but formulaic movies and only 1/3 of them have any real originality.
*thinks* attempts at immigration policy... universal health care... civil rights... affirmative action... labor rights... environmentalism...
It’s a bit hilarious to watch him fall from grace somehow how you’d expect (though normally you would hope that the entirely unqualified nepotism appointment into the White House would fail because of job incompetency and not somewhat-but-not-entirely unrelated investigation because it suggests without the…
You don’t need to get more votes to win the election.