
Eight Simple Rules! Von, too, three...eight!

Without going back and checking: Rappaport is really tall, and I don’t think GG was.  (Assuming there’s only one GG, of course.)

Perfect must have been very, very bad, because, just like Saturday Night Fever and Urban Cowboy, it 1) stars John Travolta in a movie 2) based on a magazine article about 3) a new trendy activity favored by young sexy people. AND YET.

Honestly, he looked a like Klingon from the original series, when they looked more like Mongols than anything else.

Unless he also enjoyed giving his teenage boy actors shoulder rubs, I don’t think “never sexual or predatory” totally captures the situation here.

At this point I wouldn’t be amazed if they cancelled Harley before this week’s episode (4 of 8 or 10).

I read this as “better binge anything on Max you thought you might want to get to some day”.

It’s about Pick-El, one of Superman’s other cousins whose movie was also delisted.

Reminds me of Veronica Mars, where the trial of the guilty party from S1 is a significant background plot in S2.

And in general: it’s a mystery.  Let’s wait until the end to decide what was “filler”.

Also, that “cast list” doesn’t mention, you know, any of the leads.

It was the lighting and music tone of that scene that made it menacing, I think.

The tiles are bigger.  I don’t know if discovering things you might want to see is any better.

Two of my smart devices have the updated Prime app already.

English footballer Georgie Best from the 1960s-70s. “I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”

Please note: the iPhone’s mute switch is indeed a “hardware switch”, in that it’s a physical thing on the case, but it does not mute the phone at a hardware level; it’s all software.  YouTube, for instance, still makes sound with the switch on, as I learned to my embarrassment at a conference once.

Plus, isn’t that a criminal matter in addition to the civil case?

Apollo 13 had height, and an obvious similarity to the plot of this movie, so I’m surprised the reviewer didn’t single it out as such.

You’d think if it were intentional they wouldn’t have flipped it, but maybe.

Though these organizations often present as neutral health clinics, critics say their main purpose is actually to dissuade women from going through with abortions.”