
They are, it turns out, related by marriage (as are, as far as I can tell, almost all of the Canadian comedy/music crew from the 1970s): Andrea’s ex-husband is Bob Dornan, whose sister Nancy was Martin’s wife who died in 2010.

I’m impressed at Tina’s willingness to play such an asshole, which I think is new for her. But redeemed with “Don’t be too good at a job you don’t want”. (Jab at Kay Graham aside — she never said anything mean to me.)

I mean, they want to be out of the scripted TV business so badly that they pulled Chad (which I’ve never seen and might suck, but that’s not the point) off the schedule the day of its premiere.  That’s “not if you were last man on Earth” territory.

There is an easy mode, but even with that on the combat doesn’t exactly play itself.

There’s nothing to break into. He has to guess a 256-bit number.

If he did that, he’d also get ALL THE BITCOIN.  If you guess a key, and it’s good, you get access to that wallet.

They lose their money, which is the risk they take; presumably they get enough money if they succeed that it might be a reasonable thing to do if you have the money in the first place.

He probably doesn’t have 6 million dollars lying around; that’s why you ask for investors. If you think there’s a 10% chance of getting back $176 million, it might be an OK idea.

One thing that strikes me is that Aleida’s thoughts, though they are now pointing in the right direction, are also those of a paranoid nut. “I thought the secretary was the spy, but the Director herself shot that down...she must be the mole! It all makes sense now!”

Maybe they think this was justified with the gay astronaut plot last week, where (although they didn’t quite say these words) they need every person they have and are stuck there for two years.  But as we see here, that doesn’t work in the face of someone who’s halfway between dereliction of duty and outright sabotage.

Same symptom, but typing the right magic words to Amazon took me here:

Same symptom, but typing the right magic words to Amazon took me here:

And vaccines, and masks, and social isolation... nothing worked.

Since Disney+ is a streaming service their cable/internet provider has no control over their ability to access it

The Eighties didn’t arrive in Canada until like ‘93.

So by filing this lawsuit, the plaintiff is stealing Sally’s arc from Barry?  THIS WAS MY LIFE!  YOU STOLE MY LIFE!  (Dialogue made up but close.)

Tangent: I’m of the opinion that Jacob wasn’t gay until halfway through the season; before that he was “clueless unmasculine straight man”, but the writers decided they didn’t like that trope any more.  Anyone else?

Rather than Dick Morris, I feel like Larry’s role is that of the right-wing gossip version of HRC: she was supposed to be a secret lesbian — who also had an affair with Vince Foster and killed him, so lots going on there. Also, when it the Larry stuff comes out, I feel confident that Ellen will throw him under the bus


The value when F == C is -40, which is probably the correct value of this stuff.

There’s a joke that when a true gambler finds some money, his first thought is “what’s the best way to lose this?”