
That’s what the tattoo is for: to prove you’re committed.

Oh, for sure.

I think it’s turning out that the Inhumans (Black Bolt and the other royals) have the same adaptation problem that the FF have had: they’re rooted in a specific weird 1960s/SF/superhero aesthetic that stubbornly resists being removed from the comic-book medium.  (The “Inhumans” on SHIELD were just some other

APPARENT HEIGHT WATCH: This week, contra the publicity shot above, and all such shots, Mabel is actually taller in her heels than Oliver.

I see this kind of “racist or just an asshole?” thing a lot, and I think it’s badly misconceived. Being a racist is a way of being an asshole, and one of the rules of life I’ve come to understand is that very few people are only one kind of kind of asshole.

There’s an article on this very page headlined “It Looks Like A PlayStation Classic, But Your Grappling Hook Is A Frog”, which is about as good as the ones in the list.

Natalie Portman has a lot of bad luck staying alive in genre films.

If it’s Jared, “groomer” is ok.

“Seven Minutes of Terror” describes the poker game pretty well. (Actually I wouldn’t be amazed if the writers intended that as well.)

And “wait for streaming” is 6 weeks nowadays, based on DS2.

More medium-term: the managers around you suddenly have their doors closed at lot. (Presuming in-person offices.) 

Also, some companies think it’s helpful for the layoff-ee to be able to start looking for a job immediately, rather than having to wait until Monday.  Counter-fear: are they more likely to come right back with a gun during the week, or stew about it all weekend and do it Monday?  (Applies in US only.)

Right.  The anti-Chappelle movement has bullied Netflix into...releasing a statement that any of their employees who dislike the fact that they keep giving him airtime are free to quit anytime.  Wokism gone mad, I say!

I’m partial to the point of view of Youtube guy Razbuten, who says: I’m not telling you how to play, but I’m saying I think you’ll have a better time, overall, if you push on through and learn to fight the bosses as designed. (Which would preclude both summoning a human who can solo the boss, and pulling out that one

Babel Finance will actively fulfill its legal responsibilities to customers”

Yeah, the parenthetical “we don’t have a dog” is not, actually, to the point here.

Now, if I get two pieces of bread with topping/filling on both...

...the developers have been receiving unnerving harassment from such “fans,” including being sent of photographs of genitals.


Anything you own that has a filter that can be replaced: if you’ve never replaced it, do it now.