
Maybe just a coincidence, but when Bunny makes the trashcan shot, she says “Lin-sanity!” Which is mainly a decade-old reference to Jeremy Lin when he was with the Knicks, but also Lin turns out to be Nina’s last name. Huh.

I’ve spent decades thinking that Christina Pickles, who played Ross/Monica’s mother, was Jewish, but I seem to be wrong about that. 

Yes. The mnemonic can be Phoebe’s holiday song one year:

Since people keep throwing lengths of time around: the 60-D Senate lasted from July 7 2009 (Al Franken seated) to Feb 4 2010 (Scott Brown wins election in MA).  So 7 months, including end-of-year holidays and all.

I forget the line, but not only are the Sovs using US design, Margo knows it, which is an extra tell.

Also it’s possible she’s not up on the release windows, even of her own movie. Skips commercials on the DVR and doesn’t see the NOW STREAMING thing.

I heard on a TV podcast recently that, never mind the Marvel side, the Star Wars people are worse; they allowed no advance screeners of Obi-Wan at all, where all the Marvel shows at least had something.

Once, at a small startup, I found some exec’s notebook sitting in the coffee area. Opening it to see if I could figure out who to return it to, a saw a page that said “RIF [Reduction in Force] Thursday”. I was “good” and only asked my own (lower-level) manager about it, to whom it was news but investigated and eventual

So you clearly don’t know how polls work. Polls only get 1000-1500 responses. Several polls would still only be a few thousand respondents. Not indicative of over 8 million people.”

As in a famous recording in the The Conversation, there’s a helluva difference between “they aren’t here to harm me” and “they aren’t here to harm me.”

The committee answered with (close paraphrase) “If anybody else wants to testify under oath we welcome hearing from them.” As in, put up or shut up.

Margot confessed to the FBI and is now a double agent, right?  RIGHT?  Please?

I also laughed my head off at Obi-Wan’s “Hello there.”

I believe the intended question is, why isn’t Lola around by ANH?

Let’s reflect on the existence of The Jackie Thomas Show, a sitcom in which Tom Arnold played a guy who was bad at being in a sitcom.  (I actually saw every episode and liked it, but talk about being given lemons and making lemonade.)

Good news!  The only actors who could illicitly get control of the blockchain are exactly the ones who would want to do that!

Fair point, but as I recall it, Sue has a crush but Reed doesn’t act on it (or, probably, notice) until it’s no longer problematic.

I think we should add the word “pastiche” into this mix, which is what you have when things are supposed to remind you of other things but not necessarily in a humorous way. This describes most of the characters in the The Boys, as well as at least 2/3 of Alan Moore’s “original” characters. That is, Homelander is like

I saw an nth-generation dub of the famous Roger Corman FF film some years ago, and there is exactly one thing where I said “Yes, this gets it right.” That’s the scene of how they all meet; Reed (and I guess Ben) are college roommates in Mrs. Storm’s rooming house. Sue is a high school girl with a crush, and Johnny is

Two points on that guy: