
I am less mystified by the people who like motion smoothing than I am by the people who can’t see the difference.

This is the first time that a live-action SW series and a new Marvel show are both coming out, which is in itself an interesting schedule decision, and beyond that I’m really surprised they’ve decided to release their two biggest originals on the same day of the week.

To all replies here: I now realize that I have no idea what SW is about any more, because I missed all the animated shows and comics. (I sort of knew this before, what with the constant stream of “oh, that Mandalorian character is a fan favorite” for people I’ve never heard of.)  So it goes.  Thanks.

It’s from people wanting to sell the Bitcoin that’s not held at Celsius, because people see that Celsius is in trouble and they suspect the whole house of cards is collapsing.

Christ, he can take the sticker off and attach it to the manual or something, to preserve the info on it. Does he think somebody buying his second-hand TV will want the original sticker on the set, like it’s mint-in-box or something? (Rhetorical question.)

Note, for instance, the absolute outrage from “some people” when Musk first wanted to buy Twitter and the current ownership said “We’d rather not sell it to you.” This was implicitly seen as some kind of rejection of the natural order, to be remedied by lawsuits if necessary. Richest man in the world can’t buy

Is Vader really canonically strong enough to hold back a jet engine?

None of them have ever seen a James Bond movie, so they have that excuse.

I’m going to make this aphorism of mine famous if it kills me:

“You only live once, so you should increase the chances that you’ll spend the rest of your life destitute!”

All this said, going forward, a show about “Barry, the actor who’s also secretly a contract killer” is not the same show as one about “Barry, who’s accused of killing most of those people but they can’t quite convict him”.

The younger Stevens boy looked like an old person digitally de-aged with age makeup added on.  Or something.

If you’re implying that Gary Hart is dead, he seems not to be.

Yeah, item #12 should be “almost everything, really”.

Alcoholics make up a small portion of overall alcohol sales.

“Mysteries of Love” is the sonic representation of being up all night, for whatever reason, and seeing the sun come up.

Depending on the timeline, you’d think one of those incidents would make them take measures to prevent the other.

I was waiting for it to revealed that turning off the TV monitor does not, in fact, turn off the cameras in the room.  But the alternative theory of the story is probably correct.

Use your damn turn signal.”

I spent most of their fight wondering if Vader was there at all, because I was primed by Obi-wan’s vision of Christiansen-as-Sith earlier in the episode. “I mean, they’re not going to tell us that this hugely important meeting happened in part III of some spinoff TV show, are they?”