
That stormtrooper who sliced his entire body in half on the laser barrier says “hi”.  (Well, “AAAAAAAUG--” but also hi.)

Huh. I just closed one eye and it does seem to alleviate (but not eliminate) the effect. I wonder if the repeating pattern is confusing the 3D aspect of my vision.

I always laughed at the fact that the writers named the hospital Riverside Hospital, and then decided that the name was because of a family named Riverside, not because the hospital was on a river.

Presumably that effects who they have to pay for the rights, and how much.

I forget his name, but he’s the end of the desert/mountain planet whose name I also forget. IIRC, if you don’t break his guard, he will tear through you.

Also, “principals”.

*shakes fist* CHEKHOOOOOOV!

They’ve always been a little tentative about the whole plotline, which (I presume) is why they use the very strange term “younglings”, in a universe where every single other common word is rendered in normal English: because they didn’t/don’t want to use the dialogue “Go kill all the children”.

I’m not a fan of the “you gotta FIGHT” business. It’s a virus, what should he do, immune harder?

Yeah, I laughed at the “no comment” thing; on the one hand, it’s standard journalistic practice to ask, but let’s imagine the chances that Sony would reply to Kotaku with “OK, you got us. The PS5 Pro will ship on November 10, 2023, and its specs are...”

For me the golden memory is very early on, after arriving in Columbia, when you hear a barbershop quartet singing a song and it sounds like it fits right in, and then you realize what it is and...oh, that shouldn’t be here.

I didn’t fully get the combat until a very late boss fight where you absolutely cannot win without understanding the block/stamina mechanic.  After that it was a breeze (although there may be only one real boss fight after that).

The show may move forward in the unlikely event that Green’s NFTs are returned to him, but for now whoever stole them owns the usage rights due to the completely absurd way that NFTs and the blockchain are designed to work.”

It was definitely what you would describe, in the morning, as dreaming about a guy who looked like Earn but wasn’t exactly Earn.


I recently saw that it’s “Hold On for Dear Life”, so all-caps is fine.  But maybe that, in itself, is a recent usage.

You don’t really need the reflection; just rotate your head clockwise and look at the LED.

Because of Franklin and Bash, which, admit it, you now remember that it exists, but you didn’t ten seconds ago.

It’s ridiculous! He’s a Skrull.

Reminds me: when Christine said she was working for “The Baxter Foundation”, I was thinking “Jesus, you’re gonna tease this forever, aren’t you?” So I was pleasantly surprised to see, nope, here we are now.