
I also recommend For All Mankind.

Nothing beats “A sorcerer is just a wizard without a hat.”

The big Alewife rotary is still rotary-ish in shape, but it’s all controlled by traffic lights now.

“Slow Donnie” (with David Cross) is a stone classic (as was acknowledged on this site a while back). The payoff is a “rising frustration until somebody cracks” bit that would have been at home in a 1950s classic.

Her real-life husband is Rene Gube, aka Father Brah on CXG (and a recurring writer on various shows I’ve watched).

One the one hand, the sentence you actually want there is “They literally have him playing opposite a Tony winner.”  On the other hand, what you said came out pretty funny, so I bless your comment.

I can one-up you by reporting that I stopped watching when the screen went to black, only to be very surprised by this news story.

She’s obviously Kate Kane from another cinematic universe, which is how they’re going to merge the SnyderVerse and the BerlantiVerse, don’t you see it people?

I have no proposal for a better end to Endgame; I just believe that what they came up with is terrible.

My idea about all of this is that it was a catastrophically bad idea to leave the MCU with “half the world disappears and then came back” as a fact.  The fiction simply can’t handle the load of such an insane reality.  None of it can possibly make any sense.

Though, when you’ve got a character who can change his appearance, it’s asking a lot of a writing staff to ignore that in favor of unexplained recasting.  (Which doesn’t mean Daft Ralph wasn’t ridiculous.)

I’m going to call out the Kinja copy/paste bug every time it appears until somebody notices.  (It seems to have to do with either embedded links or italics.)

Agreed. If you saw last week’s Superman and Lois, Supes had a physical fight with a super-strong guy and they were beating other to hell. It was great.

Now playing

How does this (great!) writeup not include the title sequence, which is 100% on target?  Note the letters rising out of the names, suggesting the alien abductions.

An Amalgam version would be both at once, like “Space Trucker” or “US Cabbie”. I prefer the 2nd because it sounds sillier.

I will note that to my extreme annoyance, Massachusetts does not count hypertension as a co-morbidity, and uses BMI 30%+ as one condition, 40%+ as a second, and is only allowing people with 2 conditions to get the shot right now. (Or 65+, first responders, you know, etc.) And since I’m not as fat as I could be, I’m

I’ve had that happen, and ever since I notice when it clearly has happened again.  In conclusion, Kinja is a land of contrasts.

I watched those credits sequences while I was recovering from a minor fall where I hit my chest, and, yes, it only hurt when I laughed. It hurt a lot.

And as I mentioned at the time, there’s really no reason for Agatha to give herself a fake name, since there’s nobody in either Westview or SWORD who knows the name “Agatha Harkness”.

That “father” moment is in both of the big 1960s Julie Andrews movies, and I will argue forever that they are a huge part of the reason those movies hit big. In Sound of Music, there are really two movies, and the first one ends when the Captain sings. (The tears, for me, are not when he sings, but when we see the