
For those who get here before the relevant news: NY theaters to shut down until April 12th.

Because she finds it useful that everyone thinks she’s dead.

I feel like the show’s writers don’t understand how faces work? Alice cuts off Duella’s face intact and just...lays it on top of her actual face, and that makes her look just like her (including normal lip motion and expressions), until she flicks it off and there’s her normal face with not even any blood on it. Then

From Three Amigos: “[x]? We don’t need no stinkin’ [x]!”

Clark Gable.

That scene was not designed for a 55-inch TV. When I saw it a couple of years ago I was honestly confused as to why they had suddenly cut to a fight between two people I didn’t know.

I did stumble into the first ep of the spinoff Women of the House on Amazon Prime, featuring Suzanne as a Congresswoman serving out her late husband’s term. The first segment introduces her brother, played by Jonathan Banks, who Suzanne happily refers to as a “retard”. And not because nobody knew better then, either;

I want to know if Bigfoot is in the source material (such as it is), or if Jason Segal is the missing link (ho ho ho) between BF here and Marshall Erickson’s belief in same.

I also got some at Dollar Tree.  Noticed it was made in China.  It’s probably fine.

Check out Scorcese’s The Last Waltz.

Google their obituary, it’ll probably say “burial after the service at such-and-such cemetary”.

The Wrong Invisible Man

I watched, I think, the first 3 of these on a recent flight from the UK; thrilled to see it’s available here now.

It’s a drug reference, but WORLD’S SMALLEST SPOILER

Also, I just saw it and spent that whole time thinking “that looks a lot like Mary Elizabeth Winstead, but taller.”  Anyone else who saw it -- did you think she had artificial height?

I always figure this kind of thing happens because it’s better for DC/WB if they don’t create a new character for the movie, for some legal/financial reason. But I’m making it up.

An island of immortal, beautiful women with no men around, at least, bare minimum, half of them are banging

Yeah, if you were sentient in the late 1970s — and of course people can’t help being the age they are — there is no way you don’t remember this show.

A friend of my mother’s introduced us to something that I can now call a life hack: if the number of things in the order doesn’t divide by the number you need, ask them to make it bigger and upcharge you. They probably can.

I first knew of Tucci in a syndicated cop show called The Street, which I watched, maybe all of? Anyway, I read about three pre-air reviews of it, and they all went like this: “Stuff, stuff, et cetera, this guy Stanley Tucci is fantastic, more stuff, stuff.”