
I would love to watch the live-action of the actors recording these scenes, especially Princess Carolyn’s and Diane’s.  Assuming the actors were actually together, which I hope is the case just because.

I was pretty pissed off to realize that I thinking of the “just one set of footprints” thing, but I cannot lie — I was.

It may not have been much legwork, but I appreciate it.

She’s also recurring on Will&Grace this season (including last night).

I’m going with “basically fine”, but I found myself really overdosing on what I realized today is one of B99's signature moves; someone delivers a line, then someone else lampshades it somehow, either discussing whether or not it’s “cool” (usually Jake), or .. the other thing, and the other thing is always “it sounds

Also, have we lost Gary altogether?

Of all the red flags, making the monster black has got to be the red-flaggiest one possible.

Mia and Doug are especially weird because they’re played by familiar American sitcom actors, leading me to theorize that there are multiple versions of this show for different foreign markets with those two replaced by local actors in each one. I mean, not really, but.

Faxon and Rash, who previously wrote and directed the throwback ’80s summer comedy The Way, Way Back...

Nobody ever complains about good plastic surgery.

When Jost said he watched it alone, perfect opportunity for the answer “not Marriage Story?”

Entire Toomorrow film is on YouTube, of course.

You’re even older than I am ... I lived in London from 1970-73, aged 12-15, and I saw that production of Grease. (We the only people in the audience who squealed “Twinkies!” when one of the characters mentions them at lunch.)

I think Alice and Kate did both look at their phones, and I assumed in advance that she sent one message to the two of them (or only Alice) and the other to everybody else.  But since they didn’t address it, maybe not?

There’s an issue of Astro City that’s this point, in great detail. In a world where doubles exists, and mind control exists, defense lawyers have a pile of new kinds of reasonable doubt to bring in.

That color scheme/lighting reminded me of watching a not-quite-adjusted 1960s color TV.  (I’m old.)

On most TVs the soap opera effect can be disabled; it’s called “motion smoothing” on Samsung, and Google around for where it might be on any set you’re considering.

Public Service Announcement. (Possibly a USA-an phrase, from old broadcasting standards.)

That’s got to be your local ABC affiliate, not your cable company.

I was in London in October and watched some NFL on Sky Sports. Look at this incredibly readable graphic of the scores of the early games that week. Nobody in US sports makes this as clear.