
In GOT 2 weeks ago, when Tyrion is yelling up to the parapet, I definitely thought of that.

Maybe, maybe not; Coulson calls her “Snow”, which would be weird if it were a nickname for another nickname. But it could turn out to be so, yes.

It should be mentioned that the Vulture’s worst detectives are named Kimble and Gerard, aka the Fugitive and the guy trying to catch him.

A “typical spoiled Mainland Asian actress” born in Richmond, VA.

I got there ahead of the line, and was thinking, “...did he really propose like that because he thought improv rules would make her say yes?”

There are so many fictional vampires that I missed the concept that all the actors have played vampires before.

There’s a bit in this episode where Barry ducks under Nora’s lightning a couple of times as he moves towards her, and I’m yelling WHY ISN’T THIS SHOW DOING STUFF THAT ALL THE TIME, WHAT A WASTE!

I’m imagining a bit where it’s just a public fact, but Alex is unable to retain it because of the mind wipe, leading to funnies along the classic lines of Buffy’s “so, we think Ben and Glory are somehow related?”

“I alone can save you.”  It was absolutely there.

Honestly, as “acting”, I think his Neron is better than his Ray.

Ever since a relevant scene in a recent superhero movie that is not Endgame, I approach scenes like this wondering how they can hear each other at those distances.

The lady who touches the door and screams as her body and face disintegrate.

She should get some kind of actin’ award.

I can’t believe it took me until this week to get that the “Hero/Mayor of 7/11" stuff was a 9/11 riff.  Or was it not quite there last week?

I’ve also had good luck on the CNET HDTV Picture Setting forum:

There was one specific moment here that was very close to the climax of the other one, although in this case it didn’t end there at al.

The only problem with “Avengers Assemble” is what’s always wrong with it: they’re already assembled! But for some reason it’s never “Avengers, Attack!”

Without a paddle.  Wait, does Gamora have a comm thing?

And for people who think the writing is not subtle: Thor says “I knew it!” with a smile, which is to remind us that in AoU he suspected, but wasn’t at all happy about it. Now, he’s thrilled to learn that his compatriot is indeed worthy.

The MCU’s already done “flung into the future” with Cap, though. (Which is not to say it’s a rotten idea as such.)