
You can't film a vampire, so he's just invisible.

Remember when everybody was posting that stuff where everything in a picture turned into infinite dog's heads? I felt about that the way a lot of people here are feeling about the MLB image, which for some reason I don't mind as much, but I feel where you're all coming from.

Whatever happened to Randolph Scott?

He doesn't even unbutton his jacket!

I love the fact that the preview of next week is sponsored by Hardees/Carl Jrs.

I'm fond of theory that the plan was always to kill one of the Original 3 in each film, in the order Han/Leia/Luke, which obviously would put them in a terrible position now if they're trying to protect the story and not look like assholes.

Plumbers make a lot of money from guys who said "Plumbers! What do they know?" and then flooded their houses.

But they pronounce it "Heggle".

I'd like to reserve the idea that Anne's face-blindness will be part of the solution — like, she killed Margaret thinking she was someone else? Although I don't think they'd really make Anne the killer.

I didn't notice any of that, but I do always notice the tiny thin strands that she wears hanging down her cheeks. Not sure I'm describing that right.

In the gym, the wall has a slogan that's revealed in pieces, from various camera angles, until finally it's confirmed: "Making Peckers hard since 1980 [or whatever year]".

"There's no 'I' in 'Jehovah'"

I am now watching Meet the Press and asking why Cecily Strong has never played Nikki Haley.

Really, the moment when I click the "see more" button just to make sure it says what I know it says is when I hate myself the most.

Not sure you meant that as filthy as I read it, but let's say you did.

I wonder if part of it isn't the fact that vanilla ice cream is white, so that it's visually unremarkable, and that carries over to our opinion of the flavoring.

"Even [with regards to 'inclusivity'], though, the Yale gags are generic college stuff.."

LIttle Big Man is one of many things that I suddenly remember were quite famous in the early 1970s (when I was in junior high) but are oddly…not quite forgotten, but not nearly as important as they seemed.

I was hoping AJ would walk across the stage and belt Grant in the face.

The joke about the bag was just that you're supposed to imagine what horrible, heavy thing is in the bag they didn't have when they left. Money? Weapons? Human body parts? (JTF tweeted something like "what do you think is in the bag?" after the episode aired.)