Donald Trump's Tiny, Flaccid Penis

My very dear friend came out this week and disclosed her assault publicly. She DID go to the police, and guess what? She was questioned more times than he was. She did the whole rape kit, she had pictures taken of her most private parts, and at the end of the day, he won’t be prosecuted because “he said you agreed you

Y’all are on some weird shit in this comment section today. If a man responds to his emotionally abusive wife with physical abuse, y’all would not be with this whole “abuse is never okay, but it seems like they were both being dysfunctional” bullshit.

You can’t correct for behaviors if you’re continuing to lie about it and publicly slandering the victim. Supporting that is dismissing what her wife experienced.

We need Terry Crews!

that would require courage

I absolutely fucking hate him. I don’t know what else to say at this point.

i’d buy it

I just saw a taxi-cab ad for a movie called “Assassination Nation,” which they’re billing as a cross between Heathers and The Purge.

Film reimagining: A 12 hour period wherein women get revenge on the men who hurt them and they won’t be charged for it: the purge

“a better husband” ....???

I agree with you about this. 

And yet, it’s better than the alternative.

Feinstein deserves praise for her service to the nation. she was the one to find Milk dead and her rise to the Senate is a great and empowering story.

“But the only reason to mention Roswell is to play the “it’s aliens!!!” lazy story.”

I would be okay with that.

Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an

I don’t know the facts here, maybe they stole the money but as someone that works with low/no income often homeless and with addiction/mental health issues the answer to their problem is rarely a handout without strings.

Leaked footage of Trump watching those rallies at home. 

since i refuse to say anything good about the Russian-POTUS i just wanted to let you all know that Mrs OldMan and I just voted this morning for our state primary tomorrow and i’m dropping the ballots in the mailbox after posting this.

This must be Q