Donald Trump's Tiny, Flaccid Penis

Wow, I, a middle-aged white woman, wear a hoodie every day. I didn’t realize how dangerously thuggish I am! I feel so alive!

How does Netflix get outlets to provide this free advertising for them?

Cool, cool, now try that with your buddy, the non-indicted war criminal George Bush.

I’m sorry you feel your children deserved to be beaten. For the record, I had one parent who spanked me, and one who treated me with loving kindness. I would have crawled through fire for the kind one. The other I stopped mourning about 2 days post death and barely ever think of if I’m not at my therapist’s. Just so

Oh, we are NOT fucking doing this again, having the vote shut down by astroturfed protestors. Not in 2018, Satan.

And that’s one of the reasons they’re so bad at their various scams. They don’t believe that it’s possible for people to make statements in good faith, that real journalists check their stories, that anyone can be honest, basically.

No, I like ReGunzel.

Oh, I’ve tried this. My friend’s teenage son thinks himself quite savvy because he can spew edgy political opinions harvested from 4Chan. I’ve tried telling him he’s a fucking idiot and needs to stay off Reddit, but I just don’t get it, man. He’s 14. He knows All The Things.

Right? What kind of moron drives around with a loose loaded gun pointed right at himself?

Vijay Singh disagrees.

My grandfather actually did have a heart attack from the pain of a kidney stone.

Yeah, he’s too dumb to be that crafty. I think he did it because he likes to think of himself as Actually A Good Guy, and he’s been handed a lot of evidence lately that he’s Actually A Shit, so he wants to balance it out.

I was out one night and saw what turned out to be a former basketball player dancing with some tiny thing. I went up to them and just pulled her away and told her, “No. You are too small.” And then I danced with him the rest of the evening.

No way a Bar Mitzvah could be held in a room that small.

Nope. I’ve been to 40 countries over the years and never once been chastised for speaking English. If anything I’ve been amazed and humbled by the incredible language skills of other people around the world

But he’s supposed to be just a driver, not a person who does investigations. Not officially, anyway.

That’s what my husband said! “I feel like Serena Joy is joining the Resistance”

Knitting is totally like coding! Especially if you make your own designs. You think up what you want to do, craft out a general plan, select the building blocks, and hew away, tweaking here and there, line after line, occasionally pulling back to make sure the overall thing is still heading the right direction. It

Just had a meeting with a rich dude who said his college gives legacy admits a pre-meeting to basically review their scores, grades, etc, and tell them whether they’d be best off looking elsewhere or whether there would be “great interest” aka sure, come on in. He said that the legacy admit rate at his school is about