Donald Trump's Tiny, Flaccid Penis

I’ve posted this before, but to reiterate: Ms. Abrams is performing an invaluable service to every American who wants free and fair elections, even if she doesn’t win. Every single criminal voter suppression technique employed in Georgia needs to be highlighted and investigated, and if it takes months, so be it. She

Stand your ground and don’t give an inch !

How about vague contempt?

I imagine he’ll be investigating that bs Fox News story on the “white farmer genocide in South Africa.”

Nearby a gaggle of white girls walked out of the mall with fifteen thousand dollars worth of stolen makeup.

DeSantis was openly a bumbling racist and the majority of Florida said: “Well at least he’s not black!”  

Fuck your “Well actually” horseshit.

Charlie is almost certainly a good dog. “Tex” on the other hand, is so casual about gun safety I’m frankly amazed he’s lived to the ripe old age of 74. 

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.


Uh, no.

Glad someone else remembers that horror. I feel like It got buried among the many other horrors committed against women and minorities in the past few years. Did I say horrors? Oh, I meant terrors.

I tend to think they already have.

There’s no way the Greenberg bar mitzvah is using a room that small. They’re having the place roll back both walls, it’s gonna be a real shindig.

JLD is a goddess. Period.

The Associated Press reports that the student was initially reluctant to come forward because the sexual abuse occurred years prior, but detectives found enough corroborated evidence after interviewing the three sisters to arrest Knight.”

Gee, I wonder why the girls thought that would be an issue. I am so over this

Seriously, fuck everyone for getting on Warren for defending herself. How about going after the shitty GOP for allowing this shit to continue?

It’s not just the stressors of racism, it’s the racist (passive/benevolent or not) fucking doctors and nurses that can’t be bothered, specifically to give a shit about Black, then poor people, that kill women and families in hospitals.

Part of the problem with discussions like these is we leave out reality. Rarely are sexual or romantic relationships established with complete equality between the parties involved. Yet, we do not & we cannot hold the more powerful entity responsible for what the less powerful entity freely decides to do. Ms Lewinsky

Yup. Because lordt knows a leading lady can’t be darker than her leading man...🤨