Donald Trump's Tiny, Flaccid Penis

Nothing brings me more amusement than Alex Jones thinking that he’s in good shape. You can ALMOST see the outlines of his muscles under than this jelly coating.

Is it okay to feel sympathy for these two individuals specifically for the harassment they endured, while also thinking the mere fact that they worked at InfoWars means they are extremely bad people?

Make them in a crock pot. Might take longer, but your direct involvement will be less.

You are my hero. I would be tempted to punch him in the face.

“Why doesn’t he just capitalize on this and charge people to go on his beach?”

Because it’s funny to watch someone we hate fail spectacularly!

Isn’t there a certain value in recognizing a terrible person being humiliated? It may not make me a great person, but in a world where the worst people imaginable are coming out on top, I like a reminder now and then that it isn’t always so.

Sorry the writer wasn’t specific enough about underage sex crimes for you.

Maureen Dowd? The original mean girl/feminist who won a Pulitzer by making fun of Monica Lewinsky and defending innocent victim Bill Clinton for almost a year? Whining about how a white, male US president had no sexual autonomy? How a 20 something intern was a sexual mastermind with all the power?

And breathing heavily into the microphone for no reason.

Please, don’t date

All of this and then some. I believe Damon wrote a piece on this before, but I will NOT move over when walking on the sidewalk and a gaggle of Beckies decides to refuse to form a line, when clearly they see someone else is walking. I cut through that shit like I’m playing Red Rover. No look-backs, no apologies.

My favorite Drunk History: Octavia Spencer as Harriet Tubman.

There are all kinds of people, so the idea that some people would privately think he is innocent isn’t surprising to me. But the fact that enough people are prepared to come out and be seen at one of his shows - in other words to publicly say “fuck you” to his victims - is really goddamn depressing. 

It’s absolutely insane that any rational person, let alone rational women would support this scum.

“Please don’t put me on #MeToo”

Thanks for reading, Ginger!

I’m going I’m going I’m going! Fuck yeah. There’s no reason not to get the fuck out there and GET LOUD.

I did this about 10 years ago. Living in an apartment complex and noticed some shady goings on with the people across the courtyard. Kids in and out but never for long and the kids looked unclean and hungry. Went on for awhile and finally I needed to do something. Called the police. The place got raided. Turned out