Donald Trump's Tiny, Flaccid Penis

He wants that Anders Brevik fellow, no doubt.

Hot take: Woody Allen is not, and never was, funny or clever. His movies are, and always have been, garbage.

What the fuck are you talking about? No, it’s not.

Fuck this douchebag. He would still be employed and thriving at Google if he hadn’t circulated that offensive memo via company channels. He didn’t lose his job because Google is prioritizing minority hires, he lost it because he wrote and disseminated a backwards-ass diatribe. If it wasn’t so frustrating, it would be

Ohh, just fuck alla you old twat-bros who are STILL trying to shush women instead of listening to them and answering their fucking questions.

If he wanted to kill black people, why didn’t he just become a cop?

Come on, Gwen! Amber showed up something like two weeks ahead of the tutor’s scheduled arrival, which is why the tutor didn’t show up during the events of the film! At least that was my understanding.

I remember getting a safety lecture from a workplace safety engineer once: For every workplace fatality, there are on average 100 non-fatal injuries doing the same operation, and for every workplace injury, there are on average 100 near-miss accidents doing the same operation. So, on average, workers will have 10,000


Honestly, he’s probably banking on a theory that “Muslims will be mad about this and will attack us in retaliation” - so that he and his dipshit followers can be proven “right” about “them” and oh hey look over here while we ban and incarcerate people based on their religion...

And that’s only if you’re white. Anyone of color will have to enter through the service door around back.

Eat some ass, Josh. It probably won’t make you live longer, but at least you won’t be online.

As I said below, I have been Bride, and he started abusing me too, and the no matter what happens part is so crucial because if my friends and family hadn’t remained quietly supportive of me while keeping their lips zipped about him, I never would have trusted them for support while I was being brainwashed by him.

My sister was married to a guy who got speeding tickets on his way to court for other speeding tickets. His one rule of the road was “nobody passes me”. Funny thing was that his main job in the military was to drive things around. Oh, she had to work two jobs to pay for the traffic tickets and his Star Wars

I’m embarrassed to come from a country that elected... this. White people have done irreparable damage to our already shaky relationship.

My fiancé wants a husky horribly (he’s always wanted one), and I stand firm on absolutely not while we are moving and living in an apartment. They’re beautiful dogs, but the dog would suffer if we don’t have the time and space to devote to it.

My story didn’t change. My story was always a straight story. My story was always the truth.”

I once had some guy who was like, “Man, why can’t we go back to the 1880s? America was basically the perfect melting pot.”

You forgot to punctuate your post with “wake up, sheeple”