Donald Trump's Tiny, Flaccid Penis

22,272 (which has now shrunk by 18% due to some... strange vote padding in several precincts)

I’m starting to get sick of the nice guy Obama bs. He wasted most of his first year trying to kumbaya with the right and now he’s being nice again. Just stop! No one who hates you is changing their minds. You know this IS the apocalypse. He needs to be trying to fuck this guy up during the next 2 months. Get a special

I can’t imagine Melania has any intention of fulfilling the duties— or even an idea what they are — of being First Lady.

Not to generalize, but I’m sure most women who marry old sacks of crap like Trump are eventually hoping to be wealthy widows. Becoming First Lady must be the worst possible outcome for Melania.

As I mentioned elsewhere, I really hope the history books also note that Obama was faced with a possibly historic level of obstructionism from Congress. So he was forced to get creative with executive power in order to govern.

You were fine until the last eight words. Remember you’re talking about Democrats here, if there’s a way to fuck it up we’ll find it.

Expect a lot of resignations then. I can’t picture working for Obama for 8 years and suddenly be okay with working for a cheez whiz goblin.

Watching the video, I think she was close to tears herself, you could hear the lump in her throat and see the tears pricking her eyes towards the end and when she turned to the audience. She did an amazing job of keeping it together in my opinion, having impersonated Hillary for so long must add an extra layer of

Loved how she slowed down and tearfully savored that last stanza:

Im starring you because one of my best friends brother did 300K in 3 years and had to move back in with my buddy. Holy shit that takes a special fucking mindset. At least he’s black and doesn’t blame the dems for his stupid shit.

Please. You think they’re paying attention? They’re busy chopping down trees to build their crosses for the rally in DC on Jan 20

Come on, pal, haven’t you ever drained a swamp by throwing more shit in it and hoping it forces the other shit down? Or something?

How can all of his children be involve if they will continue to manage his enterprises. Would this create conflicts of interest?

If this country is so bad, then get the fuck out. 

Why did it take a white woman on the ticket in order for so many white Democrats to register a fact that has been true for 50 years? I’m fucking serious. Instead of fussing over all those other white people who voted for Trump, maybe this is a good moment for self-reflection. If it surprises you that a majority of


Obama won the popular vote. Both in 2008 and 2012.

The country made the right choice. The electoral college just kind of fucked us on this one...again.

I want to run in to Hillary and just cry in her arms.

Fuck this country for making Obama sit next to that orange piece of shit.