Donald Trump's Tiny, Flaccid Penis

No, she’s too icy. Grisabella has to be one worn out bitch.

I loved Cats when I saw it in London in 1992, and I listened to the sound track all the time in high school. I relished its total weirdness. And of course it has the giant belting piece “Memories” which it doesn’t matter who else in the cast, only who is playing Grisabella.

Also inaccurate, as Ivanka’s face is fine. Horse TEETH she definitely has, though.

Also, as much as I hate Trump, I do think it’s wrong to reveal details about a private sexual encounter with the intent to humiliate the target. It’s not that much different than revenge porn. And it hurts me to say that because I really, really hate Trump.

I remember once in college I told a guy that he looked like Barry Manilow (quite rightly). He asked me if I was a lesbian. I was actually new to this kind of insult because I came from a really small town where, I don’t know, the bullies just took a different line. So I was mystified why him looking like Barry Manilow

Why is it that no reporter ever asks President Word Salad Spinner a follow-up question? Is it because it doesn’t matter, because it’s all bullshit anyway?

My guess is the same old, just better documented now.

Wonder what would have happened if he’d called the police to say some crazy woman was blocking access to his building?

People won’t even go two blocks to their high school gym to vote, they are definitely not taking up arms.

And if you have the opportunity to be a part of the fancy NY society in which the Murdochs circulate: shun them. All of this is because of business decisions that they have made and continue to make. They should be held accountable for being so willing to poison society for even MORE wealth.

I have this fantasy that she’s not actually planning to run, but that she’s just making a big show of it now to attract enemy fire and protect those younglings who actually WILL run? But there’s no chance Dems are that smart or coordinated.

Not to those of us who grew up watching game shows in the 70's. That’s a classic Wink Martindale mike, right there.

Totally. That was my first thought. Next thought: Ving Rhames. What? He’s ageless!

I know someone who was accused of sexual harassment and didn’t do it. He’s fine and his reputation is fine. You should probably just get over it.

Okay. I know Bob Saget is legendarily bad at his job, but how does he not know not to hold the microphone in front of his face?

No kidding. Laurie/Amy and Jo/Old Guy is the worst romantic finale in history.

Yep. I have a friend in a kink community who was raped and choked, and the police never so much as interviewed him because “it would be too hard to prove it wasn’t consensual.” This was a woman who was finally finding some joy after a shitty marriage, and another shitty man snatched it away from her.

Pete Davidson always does that. Be a professional, man.

If these people are too dumb to know that “Giselle Maurice” isn’t a Filipino name, then they deserve every misery.

Right? How does the next reporter just go forward with her question and not call out this farce?