STAT | 40% – Amount that the PS4 will outsell the Xbox One through 2018, according to a report by Strategy Analytics; the company expects Sony to have a global installed base of 80 million PS4s by then, with Xbox One at 57 million.
STAT | 40% – Amount that the PS4 will outsell the Xbox One through 2018, according to a report by Strategy Analytics; the company expects Sony to have a global installed base of 80 million PS4s by then, with Xbox One at 57 million.
Same folks who buy tons of mounts and pets in WoW.
So many of you miss the point.
All, she had to do to disprove these rumors was show up at an in-person event and play Hearthstone, and, instead, she quit Tempostorm and left the Hearthstone community. I think that lends a lot of credibility to the argument that she wasn't really the one playing the account.
I think this had less to do with gender and more to do with how shady she was acting. People came out of the woodworks to tell stories of being hoodwinked by her and her making excuses and suddenly pulling out of tournaments added fuel to the fire. It was also noted that she voluntarily quit tempostorm even after…
It's about ethics in Tournament representation.
"The story of Half-Life 2 is considered by many to be one of the most memorable in gaming history."
The biggest silver lining to all of this is Arby's reaction:
Jon Stewart deserves serious props, no matter your choice of political party. He's gotten in more shots on republicans than I could ever count, but we (republicans) are better for it and it's sad to see him leave. He also created a way to do the news that for a younger generation is not just tolerable but widely…
Jon Stewart always gave me a way to work through the anger and frustration and ridiculousness and wrongdoings of politics and people. Whatever awful thing had happened, you could watch him and even though the problem didn't get better, you at least could work through it and just go "Ya, somebody fucking gets it." And…
Oh, yeah. I'm playing Grim Fandango for the first time ever, and those puzzles ARE really hard. :p
I'm merely at the Petrified Forest. I don't intent using a walktrough as aid thou. If I don't get trough the game, then I won't.
That's actually pretty common. Most school districts require the student to be a certain age before starting school, if you have a birthday after the school year starts, then you have to either start mid year and not get the pass to advance to the next year (because you didn't complete the full year) or you just just…
Which feelings? You hurt my video games feelings? You hurt my childhood? You don't comfort me like my mother did feelings? You don't like the overpowering smell of French fries that wafts from my mattress so I'm thinking you are stuck-up feelings? Please be specific/.
Those are asses so it's safe to say you don't have a fucking clue what to do when it comes to the ladies.
yep - Tim doesn't make all these games on his own. So if you like the idea, think of all the classy and wonderful artists, programmers, etc. you support by buying it.
I will take one Grim Fandango over a thousand season pass enhanced, DLC implementing, moment to moment gameplay imposing modern titles.
The 4:3 aspect ratio isn't a "resolution problem," any more than is the fact that the Citizen Kane DVD is not in widescreen. That's just the screen ratio it was originally made in.
Unfortunately for archery's future, Anderson can't look at a woman without quivering.
I'm still so apprenhensive with majora's mask.. it's on of those games that I loathe the 3 day mechanic... and i had a bad experience with the game.. on the other hand... i want to retry it again to give it a fair shot... it's still ranked as the bottom 5 zelda games for me (for now).