Donald Pump

Mario and Luigi: Inside Bowsers Story is a great example of putting both screens to use.

It’s not just about building more housing. I live in Chicago, there are apartments going up everywhere. But they are *all* luxury buildings. No one builds middle-class apartments anymore, at least not around here. I pay $1,400 a month for a 1 bedroom in a highrise built in the 60s. Directly across the street they are

Don’t call the racists racist because it might hurt there feelings? Aren’t you the tough guys? We are liberal pussies right?

It’s literally a game that grown men get paid to play. Grow up.

An out of date game that is getting a graphical overhaul and that has sold 23million copies and tons of people still play to this day? A title that *no one* expected on a Nintendo console.

Its not a bad question to be asking at all. The divide between the north and south (whether thats actual geography or just a “southern” mindset) is only growing. It obviously won’t happen, but I’ve been long of the though that America is at the very least two different countries. We speak the same language it largely

Oh christ I hadn’t even thought of that. Trump News Network? Get me out of here.

No, she shouldn’t have. Thats the one thing he’s actually good at, maybe even better than her. He’s got one-liners and he’s good at going back and forth. Getting into those exchanges would just escalate his rhetoric about Bill and draw cheers from his supporters in the audience. Hillary has nothing to gain by stooping

“someone who has never had to feed a family.”

The notion that all corporations are *solely* profit-seeking and that it’s acceptable is off base. It’s entirely possible for a company to be profit driven and still keep the best interest of it’s fans at heart. Look at CDPR, a company that also has a similar platform to Steam. There are any number of game developers

“This is aimed at people who believe the only two video games being made anymore are Call of Duty and Madden”

The difference in milliseconds on a controller in Destiny is nothing like CS:GO or other PC shooters. And I’m sure you do just fine. But in terms of professional level FPS play, and even MOBAs, age is very much a factor.

I’m 31, I’ve been playing Counterstrike since beta. I am way worse now than when I was 18, despite the fact I have more and more experience. I am noticeably slower, my reaction times there aren’t what they use to be. It’s a real thing.

“AND have a yard.”

The irony here is that those white earbuds and their cord going down into someones pocket were fucking iconic in the early 2000s. It was a fashion statement in and of itself. Remember the commercials with the silhouettes flailing about with their headphones in?

Here’s a question. How is modern animation even...done? I’d imagine it’s done on computers right? But is it really done frame by frame still? I assumed all of this was done with pre-rendered models that could be animated much quicker etc.

And here I thought you were a relic of the past HamNo. That’ll do pig.

This wasn’t a UFC fight, it was Bellator. I believe the UFC offers insurance to it’s fighters and has a well documented history of paying medical bills for fighters.

They own property no doubt. And it’s about liquidity and ROI. Sure homes are overall a good investment but rich people have access to all kinds of investment vehicles.

I never got into Pokemon either, just a tad too old for it when it got big in the US. BUT, I gave into the Pokemon Go and I’m totally into it. It’s a fun little app/game especially if you have friends that are doing it.