Donald Drumpf's Fat Lips

Usually Trump supporters think things that are partially true. Every single one of your statements above is wrong. Thanks for joining us, Kellyanne!

Wow, and I thought that I was a big asshole. You win!

Pamela Anderson will be my running mate. She’s very, very beautiful, she’s huge, it’s amazing how qualified she is. Well, she used to be more huge, but she’s still pretty big. And she’s beautiful, so she must be amazingly smart, like Sarah Palin who endorsed me and has the best eyesight since she can see Russia. And

I came here to post this, the “Caspian Sea Monster.” Not a hydrofoil, but definitely a flying boat. Powered by 10 turbojets(!), cargo capacity of 300,000 kg(!), top speed of 500 km/hr(!!!). Plus missile launchers. Also featured as a Bond villain-like craft in William Gibson’s Zero History. Very cool.

I’m afraid you are hugely mistaken: I do want to kill Muslim wives and children. Throwing little old ladies out of their homes is just business.

And likely is in such a public position because he has the cachet of being a former Guantanamo prisoner. That is, we made him into the symbol that he is today. Thanks, Dick Cheney!

Dear Buzz,

That’s a pretty dumb comment, even for a Republican. And I should know.

Hey, you could join my campaign team!


Like me!

You are my hero.

Because that’s how a businessman’s wife should dress when he gets home after a hard day of work making millions, like me.

And the C5 is YUUUUUUGE!

Push-up bras are AMAZING! My daughter looks very hot in one.

I could be your next President! NOW do you have enough to worry about?

That combines “dumb” and “crazy” in one paragraph. Amazing! Would you like a job in my campaign?

What do you expect? I mean, just look at that face!

I’g give you points for trolling, but even I don’t say anything that AMAZINGLY stupid.