Donald Drumpf's Fat Lips

Donald Trump was accused by the Justice Department in the 1970's of refusing to rent apartments in his developments to black people.

You know, we need more vague in our country, lots of great vague, we’re going to have the greatest vague and really vague the spirits of the Mexicans and the blacks. Vague even the gays. We’re going to have the best vague of any country in the country.

Why I Fuck Up My Cars

“The tint is illegal,” he told me, “but I’ve never gotten pulled over for it.”

First - if you want our aviation industry, especially the military, to be on the cutting edge, the NASA is the only one to get us there. When we want to do something extreme, NASA leads the way. Why? Because only a government organization can go where there is no data and provide the data that will either prove or

Pamela Anderson will be my running mate. She’s very, very beautiful, she’s huge, it’s amazing how qualified she is. Well, she used to be more huge, but she’s still pretty big. And she’s beautiful, so she must be amazingly smart, like Sarah Palin who endorsed me and has the best eyesight since she can see Russia. And

I came here to post this, the “Caspian Sea Monster.” Not a hydrofoil, but definitely a flying boat. Powered by 10 turbojets(!), cargo capacity of 300,000 kg(!), top speed of 500 km/hr(!!!). Plus missile launchers. Also featured as a Bond villain-like craft in William Gibson’s Zero History. Very cool.

I’m afraid you are hugely mistaken: I do want to kill Muslim wives and children. Throwing little old ladies out of their homes is just business.

Dear Buzz,

Someone just proved me wrong.

That’s a pretty dumb comment, even for a Republican. And I should know.

Quit it, this has nothing to do with the planets. This is the intricate part of the spacecraft where the burning hot gasses come out.

Hey, you could join my campaign team!


So it that thing on his head his dad's heir?

Like me!

It’s pretty, but it doesn’t make much sense from any science standpoint. Which generally describes anything on Syfy.

This article is literally a bunch of fluff around a video.

Not a dumb question at is a great observation.

Look I have a platform! My beautiful sexy daughter and my chaste smart wife have been working on it all night. Wait a minute flip that. My smart sexy daughter and my chaste beautiful wife. That’s not quite right sexy beautiful daughter-wife, anyways! We have a platform that’ll knock em dead (autocorrect

Ekranoplan laughs at your puny "hydrofoils"