
This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.

Wubadubdub right now


She was on the How Did This Get Made podcast a few months ago, and she was absolutely wasted. We couldn’t even finish listening to it because she was being so obnoxious in the way that only really drunk people can be.

I’ve been seeing everyone reference this pet thing in these comments, so I looked it up. Anna Faris rehomed her adopted dog because her son was allergic and failed to inform the shelter of the situation. Somehow, the dog ended up on the streets and it is unclear whether or not he was abandoned by his new family or if

If you know people who are mentally ill, particularly schizophrenic, you should know that during an episode they may express beliefs that aren’t really theirs. Sure, they could be racist, but they could also be stuck in some fantasy they’ve created, based on something they saw on TV. A person like this, if she is

I don’t think it fair to say that a single ending makes the entire game homophobic. Half the point of needing more representation is so the burden of “good” representation isn’t on every minority character; we fight for representation that way we can have queer villains, heroes, anti-heroes, femme guys and masc guys

Federica Pellegriniis trains using a new technique. She trains in a pool of carbonated bubbly water. Her coaches claim the water is naturally sparkling, but we know the truth.

Youre blocking my driveway, so let me destroy the tires, so you cant move from blocking my drive way. Makes sense...

Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.

The controversy here isn’t about whether the ban was justified. By the time Doc was tweeting, he was well over the ban and knew why it’d happened. He was jawing with the PUBG twitter expecting some playful banter, and the twitter get went full moral highground as if Doc had suggested a real-violence retaliation. It

I agree but isn’t this particular movie a true story? I don’t think it belongs quite in the same category because it was Kumail’s real life experience with his current partner and not a fictional creation. Thoughts?

Its not a personality test, its magic...

This is the laziest post I’ve ever read on this site. I’m not going to threaten to leave, like it matters or not. Im just going to do it.

It’s almost as if the actions of a few don’t represent the values of the many. Weird.

Are we really on this? Comparing being a Nazi to being associated with Penn State? It’s a university. People are allowed to be proud of where they, their children, or their grandchildren went to college without being unfairly associated with Sandusky, Paterno, and that ilk. If they had a home depot shirt on, you’d be

This may be true for YOU and YOUR political views, but there are plenty of people out there who aren’t on the fringes of politics and prefer a more centrist, moderate approach. There is nothing wrong with wanting, say, pro-choice rights for women, marriage equality, AND lower taxes and smaller government.

than a guy who once was a few botched playcalls away from winning the Super Bowl

Those people haven’t played Grim Fandango since the 1990s.