When it came to last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests, his social media account “goes dark. Not a black square box. There’s silence,” says Contois.
When it came to last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests, his social media account “goes dark. Not a black square box. There’s silence,” says Contois.
The Nicolas Cage 101 course on Community might catch your interest, but beware, it’s not for the timid, and should only be taken in small doses.
This sounds like Taken but with a pig.
At least when they have Ethan write about money, he makes an effort to understand how markets work.
Title of the article said it’s Carrie’s fault, here, let me copy and paste it for you:
I’m in my mid 30s in Eastern Europe and having partly lived in what comes out of those “open minded” books you suggest, and having seen my family (both parents and grandparents) being the victim of oppression , secret police state, lack of basic resources and having their ownership destroyed for the “good of the…
Marx and Engels are hugely problematic, though.
In a rational world that valued outcome as much as intent, this would be greeted as the equivalent of shouting “Heil Hitler”. I don’t care how “well intentioned” you think communism is “on paper”, it’s a genocidal weapon of mass economic and spiritual destruction. That said, there is a 99% possibility that the leftist…
Look, I’m an absolute sucker for anything Ghostbusters-related so I’m not even going to pretend I won’t be going to see this in the theatre regardless of whether this trailer works or not. It’s a lot more slow and ponderous than anything I normally associate with Ghostbusters, though.
Overlooking the performances in that series almost renders this list as useless as tits on a boar hog.
What about Jared Harris and Stellan Skarsgard in Chernobyl?
That creature is Nicholas Cage himself.
“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!
Today on the surreal public affairs program The View, Pamela Anderson, most recently an outspoken supporter of Julian Assange and a woman whose politics are actually quite good,
As one of those sewer trash, I can confirm that I’m now able to achieve climax to a photo of a Raiders helmet.
Chris Hardwick has been, like, as exonerated as anybody can possibly get when they’re accused of sexual assault in this era. Seems kinda fucked up and pointless to be like “hmmm I dunno if this ok or not, this is really a moral gray area” every time he pops up. Like, if you’re even going to mention it, at least have…
There’s kind of an off tone here. The premise seems to be that maybe people only liked Borderlands because they were immature and young and now they are old and seasoned and won’t? I guess that works if you assume that the player was X age (maybe your age?) when they first started playing but now they have “been to a…
“I’m squeezing and waiting for help.”
it’s called a cleveland steamer you asshole!!
haven’t seen a brown run like that since the last time i had salmonella