Your take sucks. That is all.
Your take sucks. That is all.
My favorite of this new stage in Dem fundraising is that nobody wants an email or text from Nancy Pelosi. I’d hazard not even members of her own family.
I cosign and have no argument on all of this. I do have an addendum. I don’t think the actual members of the Biden Administration and mainstream powerful Democrats understand how to govern in any real or meaningful way for fear of political repercussions on elections that aren’t happening.
I mean we elected an out of…
I guess he thinks it’s that Jim Jones Kool Aid. Which is ironic because it’s Kool Aid made by a white man to kill a substantially black cult following. But like you’re a leftist.... so somehow the idea of pursuing policies that do not actively do you harm is also, at the same time, pursuing dangerous polices that…
To start, I don’t want to lessen the impact or the derision this article has to Ivanka Trump. She is a clown. However, this kind of fuzzy programming is absolutely a feature, not a bug, to all USAID programs. Once upon a time, I worked on a youth development initiative touted by a certain president who wishes to…
*SLAMS DESK* Thank you! I first heard this argument from my father who HATED that I was reading Hawthorne and the Scarlet Letter in high school. When I commented that was because the plot dovetailed with the period in US history we were studying, and that I was also reading Arthur Miller as an addendum he held firm. He…
For your crimes, you are forced to spend one year in internet jail. With no reading material except the Elements of Style and the Rhetoric and Writing series. You will also be force fed episodes of the Talk and View until you have either become a competent writer for Jezebel or have gone entirely mad for having…
Again, no one is calling your candidate a socialist but the opposition. Nobody. If you think that us going away on the internet would change anything, you have misunderstood the opposition.
You don’t have an argument on a fundamental level. Have a nice day.
Particularly in deep red states where as soon as we turn our backs and get back to our own work of literally fighting for survival, we get housed by centrists in blue states telling us that we deserve what we get.
I’m sorry that contending with Republican Talking Point makes your candidate feel on the back foot. That narrative isn’t coming from progressives. It’s not one we’re pushing. And we’d never call a socialist a socialist, unless they called themselves one. Progressives could go off and fund communes tomorrow, remove…
Cool, cool, cool. Where was that in Dem platform? Where did AOC and the Squad publish that plank? And where again, did Progressives refuse to vote for Biden and the former prosecutor? Sorry that umm we fucking carried you across the finish line so you can shit on our work while you play armchair quarterback.
I’m sorry…
Except that progressives are winning in swing districts. That’s the point. No progressive is actually out there condemning the centrist wing when the rubber meets the road. The squad lined up behind Joe Biden and mobilized in Michigan and Wisconsin, even though he was clearly not their candidate. Without the…
Imagine losing an election, and instead of blaming the opposition, you blamed your own party... Imagine getting offers for help to organize the activists in your communities and turn out the vote, and turning them down because AOC or Ilhan Omar scared you more than calling out Donald Trump as a racist. Imagine, siding…
Her point, I believe, was to indicate that progressives mobilized and HAD a message. She was legit offering an olive branch, to mobilize her base and her organizers and put in the work. Those that turned her down were more afraid of their own allies than they were of the opposition. That’s a problem.
Fun fact! You can’t deny bail in Texas.
What a crazy, crazy idea that your competence in your career and profession is not simply down to wrote memorization. That your ability to aggregate, parse, and identify sources of knowledge to solve a problem are EQUALLY important as the shit you remember how to do off hand. So help me god, we’re so fucking upside…
Seventh Day Adventists hold fundamentalist Christian beliefs. Many that are shared among other Protestant fundamentalist Christian sects. Including but not limited to Fundamentalist Mormons, hard-line Presbyterians, Independent Methodists, The American Baptist Association, and Christian Scientists. What people …
I think this just shows that the people who called him “smart” aren’t all that well qualified themselves. Maybe it’s time to stop pretending that these institutions we’ve been lauding for centuries are just as subject to rot, bias, and poor quality as any others.
Now I need them to ban her for 12 hours for conducting a Twitter Jailbreak. I need it, because it would only be funny then.