
It’s also a subject that many don’t have the leeway to teach properly, because teaching it requires students to look at and view horrific human behavior and not in the abstract. For the holocaust to have an impact on students, they have to see it. In its horror. Not in statistics, and not in whole numbers. Look at

There’s a thing I try really hard to do when confronted with art writ large: engage with it, try it out, and if it’s not for me just let that be. Labels of good vs. bad typically tend to flatten the value of these things. I try to approach it as: these things aren’t for me and that’s okay. So I can see why people

See, I have a habit of asking questions that inadvertently, or in some cases intentionally, cause people to put way too much thought into something. They’re usually questions with no “right” answer.

Now it’s appropriate because the police are on some bullshit, 24/7. But if they don’t have cause to detain you, they can’t fucking detain you. It’s a wrongful arrest. In a just world, the officer’s would be fired then arrested for kidnapping. The mayor would fire the chief. And the “policies” that allow officers to

Does the same era of FX count as prestige? Because I thoroughly enjoyed Justified in the same way I enjoyed Burn Notice and White Collar. I could never fully get into Psych, but maybe I should give it a chance since wtf else am I going to do with the end of the world?

Right? Because the Swashbuckling Happy go Lucky Christian Monk vs. Samurai Cowboy Soldier Assassin choice is so much more interesting than the Orphan with abandonment issues and ocular blasts vs. the clone of his wife he can’t recognize vs. Marvel Girl vs. Cosmic entity isn’t nearly as interesting as it should be.

You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.

Haha. Love it! Well we all know the movie she deserves is a solo movie. Her life solos is just as rich as it is with Xavier. Or Logan. Or Magneto. And it crosses the Black Panther (RIP) universe enough that she should have a good space there. Honestly, what better place to introduce a mutant than Wakanda, really? At

I liked the hawk era. I didn’t see it as a betrayal, as much as a sign of change. And a visual representation early on that X-men got to be more than just one note superheroes who could go through complex change. Given that she picked that look up after palling around with Yukio in Tokyo, and going on what can only

Feel like the fact that he didn’t turn himself in after committing a crime and then fled across state lines should really up this to capital murder....


Oh for fuck’s sake. Of COURSE the mastermind of the whinging letter about cancel culture is unironically tapped into this project that reveals his concerns-as well as the concerns of the immensely powerful, if culturally derelict set of authors and liberal thinkers who signed it-were absolute horseshit. Of course.

This is what happens when your favorite movie is the 13th Warrior.


Ah, piercing wit and commentary.

Granted, but he’s still producing.

Every signatory to this list is a has been. A cultural figurehead who has peaked in their careers. Their ascendancy at an end, they’ve suddenly come to the realization that it’s all a fucking crap shoot. Random odds and numbers flung from the universe, aligning in the plucky British woman who wrote Harry Potter and

Agreed. I mean, I need to see footage. Chances are the ref is doing that cardinal sin of watching down field when there’s still action on the ball. It happens to the best of us. But the lesson is if you didn’t see it, it can’t be called. And since in that position the goalie is now the last defender, the lines-person

“Tell him he smells like rice.” I’m saving that. That’s top shelf.

Mayyyyybbeee. But this is probably two things, ref protecting the keeper (wrongly) and ref out of position and not facing play (probably).