
The Autopian is a phenomenal site, and their success is well deserved.

Oh thank heavens it’s not me. I was about to throw my computer mouse out of the window. Hey, Erin, does this place even have developers left?

I am soo fed up with this site. I’ve accessed a few articles throughout the day and as I scroll down I keep getting rerouted to a Root slideshow article on Olympians.

I understand that times are tough for Jalopnik right now, but whoever is currently maintaining your site has made it nigh-unreadable. Whenever you scroll to the bottom of an article, it leaves the article and takes you to a random Root web page. It’s absolutely maddening and I won’t be returning until it’s fixed,

What the hell is going on? The last few days, if I scroll to where it says click to continue to read or try to go to the comments, I get send to an entirely different article. I have to scroll ever so slightly that the part I need to click on has to be at the very bottom of the page or else it will flip. This sucks. 

I don’t think anyone forgot about the Skyline.

*Sigh* I miss Saab. 

Give me a 3G TL-S with a 6MT and I’ll be a happy happy man. One of the finest looking and well built sedans of our time.

I want to read the Maverick article but I keep getting autoloaded to a Root page. I can’t be the only one.

Would add, “stop camping in the left lanes.” They’re all passing lanes except the one on the right.

This rule is unknown by Oregon/NorCal drivers in my neck of the woods (literally). H199 between Crescent City, CA and Grants Pass, OR has several turnouts on the CA side in the 2 lane twisties through the Smith River canyon. Like 50 miles of road in both directions. Campers and motorhomes pulling vehicles will pass

Just a point of clarification / definition from the comments: a venture capital firm invests in early-stage, risky “startups”... moon shots that will probably fail, but could change humanity (at least, that’s the purest and most generous definition).

There are multiple forms of bankruptcy protection. Not all result in the liquidation of a company.

Anyone who would ruin this with a 350 deserves to be pinned down nude atop a nest of fire ants.

Ford Maverick. I want a small EV pickup that can carry a load when I need it, but I can also park and drive in a city easily. And while half a dozen start-ups have promised something along those lines, none have made it to production, and none even look like they will be any time soon.

Every vehicle on sale in the US today that is not an EV should be a PHEV. Every single one. There is no excuse for a modern car or SUV to get less than 50 miles per gallon, and there is no excuse for a full-size truck to get less than 30. It is trivial for a modern PHEV to have 25 miles of electric-only range with

A quarter?? Look at Richie Rich over here! Back in MY day we were happy with squished PENNIES!! 

Or it just teaches him to wrong better.  Because the way to fix a psychopath is to surround him with other psychopaths?

For many these days there is no right or wrong, just clicks or more clicks.

We didn’t want clicks back in the day. We just wanted to see a squished quarter.