
My BRZ has a pretty silly startup sequence thanks to my tune. The ECUTEK tune adds four switchable maps to the car, and I really didn’t need more than one, so I asked for a valet tune as the second one, and an anti-theft tune as the third. So if I’m parking my car for an extended period, or somewhere sketchy, I leave

Outside of a Cybertruck, you couldn’t find something more embarrassing to drive than a pretend Ferarri.  I guess if you enjoy being laughed at - NP.

I have an NB and an NC, and the NC is the sweet spot despite the silly yacht designation. It’s roughly 10% larger all around, and while I fit in the NB I’m more comfortable in the NC. That extra 10% also includes a far more robust suspension and structure.


They are capitalist, which adheres to no policy.

Now the other question is, what printer really has the worst drivers?

I refuse to click on that video, based on the Oprah-arms-open-behold-my-content-pose.

My Miata only gets ~180 miles to a tank.  

I have the “poor mans” version of the same year - 2006 4Runner Limited. Same engine, same platform... same car, really, just without the Lexus badge. I’d pay $16K just for the Toyota without all the Lexus panache... because the damn car is THAT good.

This platform is reliable as hell, parts aren’t overly expensive

How is that considered bad to you? These had a recall for the dash (which is now closed), so having that done is a good thing. Also the windshield isn’t anything odd at all, windshields chip over time and any car with 170k will certainly not have the original windshield.

I do love our athletes, but would love for the rest of the world to stand up to the US even more.

I’m going to predict right now that both the 2026 WC and 2028 Olympics will not happen in the US due to worldwide boycotts of both events, due to this measure of dickish bagdouchery.  He hasn’t been in office even a month and already has all of North America furious, with Central and South America coming soon.  And EU

It’s funny. The more Trump and his heads-in-sand followers decry EVs, the more I want one. Their increasingly childish and baseless arguments just show how genuine the EV virtues are. 

Honda Fit

$6,000 is a steal. Definitely meets rule of cool requirements as it’s a truck that can do 99% of what truck owners need them to do without weighing 3x as much and getting 1/2 the fuel economy. In better shape than I am and we’re both from 1988. Very nice price.

She is ready to take up a position in the passenger seat. NP. 

I had to resist the urge to open the post, scroll straight down to voting and smash the Nice Price choice. After dutifully reading through to the end, I then smashed the Nice Price vote.

In the hands of a good operator, those things (and really all heavy equipment) make that money back very quickly.  They’re losing money when they’re just sitting idle.

Tell me more about that Riviera sitting there in the background, just like the farm car your wacky aunt in Des Moines once inherited.