
Anything that’s not a Mazda Miata because everything else has totally missed the mark.

Fuck tourists. I grew up in Vancouver and yeah, tourist dollars are great. Tourists as a group are dirty, rude, disruptive, demanding, destructive, and inconsiderate.

Considering how often the Mustang II front suspension has been used over and over by hot rods, street rods, and kit cars; the car has more legacy in the car world than it gets credit for.

The tourists coming from Cruise are not the tourists you want. They dont stay at hotels, dont stay overnight for dinner and if you have been in Santorini, you will know they are shuttled in buses to the upper part of the island. These are not good for the locals. You want tourists that stay overnight and these are not

The fact that that Camaro was “racing” a Miata with a tiny fraction of the power really highlights how out of their depth the Camaro driver was.

I’ve pissed away more money in six months on Amazon (on stupid shit) than this costs. Totally NP - one of my early cars was a Fleetwood. Stuff goes wrong, but cheap is cheap.

Now playing

There were serious problems with the approach, but the myth that it came within 150 feet of the water was debunked nearly immediately after this occurred. That altitude was based on ADS-B which reports based on adjusted barometric pressure which can unreliable. That’s why planes use a radar altimiter for terminal

To be fair, the 2nd gen Vipers have more power than the originals, so they’re faster.

Any used Maserati for over $70K.

So don’t be a dumbass and lose your license. <shrug> My sympathy for anyone in this situation is *severely* lacking.

I want to agree with you, but society is designed like driving is a right. We don’t have public transport designed in a way to support it. Like, the nearest bus pickup is several miles from here.

They can legalise lane filtering world-wide when motorbikers learn to not filter at high speeds (compared to the cars). At that stage, I’m all for it. Until they know not to squeeze into any gap at any speeds, they can go fuck themselves.

On that I’ll agree.


No. Right on Red is perfect. 

There needs to be an automobile driver bill of rights that stops vehicle manufacturers from monetizing the drivers’ information when no permission was given in the first place—especially with them spying on drivers and relaying it to insurance companies.

It needs to be both much harder to get a driver’s license in this country and much easier to lose it.

Laws against left lane camping need some real teeth. We hear about the occasional story of someone getting pulled over for going the speed limit in the left lane, but they’re rare enough the general public often has no idea they exist. There’s no reason, on a 3 lane highway, for anyone to have to be in the left lane

I’ve seen enough JustRolledIntoTheShop videos to know that mandatory yearly vehicle safety inspections should be the norm in every state.

If you didn’t grow up in the 60s and 70s- you know, the automotive glory days before they done stolled the power with them damned environmental bullshits- you might not realize how much better... EVERYTHING is now.