
I cheer for you.

Yeah, but doesn't it?

Advice: Don't tell your 19 year old cousin you think she's pretty/lovely/hot. Unless you live south of the Mason-Dixon line, in which case, why are you two not hitched yet?

The guy wants to keep his job, and his bosses are Jewish. He's basically cutting a deal with them, saying, I'll apologize, but you have to keep employing me.

As an anti-Semite, I'd like to point out that he only apologized to one group. The group that could afford the apology, and paid for it because they know he was right.

Jews: Mel tzadak!

Where's your cash to purchase one?

Because the Jews really do control Hollywood. Duh!

In that it shows that his statements about that group are actually accurate. If they care enough to buy an apology, there's more than a grain of truth to his (and Mel's) statements.

Only the kkkikes have the cash to buy a Hollywood apology.

The ENTIRE town is Jew-run. The (few) business not controlled by Jews have their offices in buildings owned and developed by Jews.

Also, it's false.

fucking jews with their fucking money.

It's Jewy, which is still pretty white.

Oh. I was going with the last name, though.

Pretty sure that "Tamar Iveri" is a Jew.

Flour tortillas are the Devil's own sandy butthole. They have the flavor and texture of thinly sliced mud bricks. Fuck flour tortillas right in their garlic cocks.

So like a do-rag for your helmet? Coolio

It's taken at an angle. That's why you can see the sides of the cars on the bottom.

Except for tortillas.........................................right?