
Pardon the expression, but that's hella cray. To what extent? Do you dictate to your computer instead of typing? (sorry for all the questions, just curious)

I don't think I've ever done five in a night, but I've had three wedding nights plenty of times.

Legally blind or coke-bottle glasses blind?

Sleepbot does the same thing, for free.

It's free.

Jew here and it's the same. I'd probably attended 100+ weddings by the time I was 20 (and missed nearly all that involved traveling more than 45 minutes). By now? Probably around 200.

I wouldn't be surprised if his father is Gerard DeMuro, formerly of General Dynamics and now BAE.

Really? Where in Mexico?

You should go for a day. You'll appreciate being anywhere else for the rest of your life.

Mmmmm caviar. Nothing beats the delicious taste of salt water Dippin' Dots.

I still remember when the original Mercedes A-Class came out and changed the world as we know it. The year was 1997 – and while I may have been just nine years old, I consumed automotive media back then at approximately the same rate as I consumed fruit roll-ups.

My Interceptor wakes the dead under acceleration. It sounds like an earthquake. Maybe it's the can

The parts they haven't touched are still pretty. The rest of it is polluted and filled with the worst architecture known to man.

My Russian history teacher (who HATED Russia) loved to tell us the story of how the Soviets banned alcohol, and within a few days none of the tanks would start because the antifreeze was, uh, missing.

What a shit country.

V4 with gear driven cams trumps all.

First tentacle porn, now this? Japan is WEIRD!

A standard poodle can do as much damage as a pitbull, if not worse. It all depends on the owners.

Just understand that luck probably played a role in you finding your job (as it does for everyone else). I'm a high school dropout and a college dropout and I make a pretty decent living, but I also got very lucky. I wouldn't recommend dropping out to many other people, nor would I recommend majoring in communications

Delish! The meth really adds a kick, and the HIV brings floral notes to the aroma.