My advice: Save some more cash and get the 899. Miles better.
My advice: Save some more cash and get the 899. Miles better.
Well, shit.
Smoked Gouda, masturbation...honestly, what's the difference?
Sometimes I'll make a three-egg omelette, but reserve one of the yolks, quickly fry it while the omelette is resting, and the slap that fucker right inside said omelette. Eggception.
I saw that! She was totally eyefucking that table, though. Gross. Get a room, you two.
I live in a pretty solidly blue state, so my vote doesn't count (Democracy!), so I'll be writing in Elizabeth Warren.
Liz, if you're reading this: I don't care that you don't want to be President. It's gonna happen, and you can either calmly accept the highest office in the land or be dragged kicking and screaming by…
Agreed. I'd like to compare their crashes to Senna's crash. I wouldn't doubt that since 1994 there have been a few crashes very similar to his, but without the whole death by steering column thing.
I have the weirdest boner
It's actually faux fordite, made from polymer clay.
Yeah I'm pretty fucking floored by that number. Thing must corner on rails.
Don't hate on Guy. English is his third language, after Gibberish and Gobbledygook.
Yeah, she pretty much accepted her fate when a little rear brake could've straightened things right out.
Don't drink and walk, kids.
Only in Russia would the person be too drunk to think of suing.
She had a pretty bad wobble going before the other girl sat down. Doesn't take much to destabilize a scooter.
Driving in Poland sucks, though, at least when you're not on a major highway. So. Many. Damn. Trucks.
But seriously, by taking two cars that are on opposite ends of the spectrum, we're going to see just how much more in fuel it costs to take a diesel versus a plain jane petrol powered machine, as well as just how fast a supercar is in the real world compared to a big sedan. We're also going to see what the best way to…
Yay degloving!
Or buy a pair of real boots.
What's a troll avatar? Because I can't comprehend actually uploading a picture for my avatar.