
As someone whose Twitter timeline is now filled with puppy and kitten images and videos just to get me through any given day without wanting to kill myself over this shitstorm of a world, thanks very much for telling me about this, I cannot wait to watch. 

Yeah, I guess I’d rather know about the fire sooner, when it is still small, rather than later, when it has completely engulfed the entire room next door.

I am so utterly heartbroken. It feels like all we’ve done for the last two years is lose. I won't be able to take it if we lose November.

How is that one house still standing?!?

It goes without saying that the school shooting - and broader gun violence - in America is insane, but that’s not a meaningful comparison. I mean, otherwise, based on the raw number of soldiers killed in the war in Afghanistan and the number of people killed over that same period of time in car accidents, one would

Correct. He is a fucking moron.

Even if she has him saying that word, then what? He said so many vile and toxic things during the election, but he was still voted in as president. He sided with racists last year at that white supremacist rally. He makes an ass of himself and the USA at every major world leader event. He’s started an trade war with

This article wasn’t very well written, as people have pointed out. You use too many insidery words and phrases, and assuming that people outside of Magic care about the Black Lotus is assuming a lot. “Drafts of cards”? Like a pack of cards? Based on information gleaned from these comments this is my understanding of

I’m disappointed every day that someone doesn’t just murder every single one of these propagandist leeches. 

Yeah, he’s over it.

There was never a bromance with Macron, or with Trudeau for that matter. Trump is a big fucking spoiled shithead of a toddler. He shouldn’t have been invited to the G7. Just exclude him - he doesn’t want to be there, don’t give him the opportunity to play big boy and pretend that he runs things. He wants to go it

even ivanka isnt as pretty as ivanka.

Eric, the tall, dull one was like, “Ohhhh!

Yep, he was going in for a quick nibble and she dodged it because she knew it was coming. He’s a grotesque and highly disturbed pervert.

Case in point

I got so lucky with my current suit. A couple of years ago I had a beach trip planned, and realized at the last minute that my old suit didn’t fit anymore because I’d lost a bunch of weight.

As Pulitzer-Prize winner Jonathan Capehart pointed out yesterday, the complete and absolute Republican silence on this tornado of corruption and ineptitude is a glaring contrast to the eight scandal-free years during which POTUS Obama was President and Ryan and McConnell wouldn’t shut up.

At least three Congressmen in my own feed - but I find it of singular interest that McCabe is a Republican and every single Congressperson who’s made that offer is a Democrat. As Pulitzer-Prize winner Jonathan Capehart pointed out yesterday, the complete and absolute Republican silence on this tornado of corruption

We’re getting ready to watch the craziest constitutional shit storm in history. Firing the special prosecutor is what got Nixon impeached. However Republicans today are huge ass traitors and pussies and will just stand aside and let Russia continue to fuck our democracy.

If Roger Stone goes to jail, I will literally be dancing in the streets. What a horrible human being.