
Thank you!

A crowded primary is a good primary. It means choices and competition. There are boxes that Beto ticks that others won’t, like I would say maybe the “good feelings” factor - something that matters a whole fucking lot given the vague reasons most people who didn’t vote for Hillary cite. If Beto runs with that good

The comments are right, this heel turn on Beto seems off for the site. Like has been said numerous times, this is what the primaries are for. I hope a good number of electable Dems put their name in the hat and go for it. Let them all have some good debates and pick the best one based on what they say.

So we’re clear. On Jan. 1, dozens of Democratic judges across Texas will take the bench, including turning three important courts of appeals blue, because O’Rourke inspired people who normally wouldn’t have given a shit to stand in long lines and vote.

Beto is likely THE best chance of rousing a populist uprising against the Republicans in 2020, so of course you can bet there will be some writers here who will be knee deep in opposition op-eds against him because of...feelings.

He’ll run and if people like him he’ll win. If people like someone else better he’ll lose. A platform of “not ted Cruz” won’t get him far this time so we’ll see what he’s made of soon enough. Obama is by far the most popular national democrat even if the far left was reasonably not impressed, so if he can capture that

Again, I say “Go for it.”

After months of hyping him for the midterms, now begins Splinter’s political assassination campaign against Beto for the high crime of Not Being Bernie.

“It’s like if the Beatles were produced by Nickleback...”

My first thought on seeing that picture was, “Please don’t let that be Melania Trump.”

Is that a bit like not remembering whether it was upstairs or downstairs? FUCK YOU, SHITBIRD.

Can I just say I hate her hairdo?  That center braid.  Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should.

“I write the answers. My lawyers don’t write answers. I write answers. I was asked a series of questions. I’ve answered them very easily — very easily. I’m sure they’re tripped up, because you know they like to catch people.‘Gee, was the weather sunny or rainy? He said it may have been a good day. It was rainy.

So they’re going to wait until everybody gets a new phone either during the fall updates or for Christmas, and then unveil their new affordable Pixel option? Makes perfect sense.

This is a pretty smooth jam.

But like, what’s you’re fucking point dude? No one should be shocked? She lived to the ripe old age of 47 and thats that? You need to find something better to do with your time cause this aint it.

Keep digging, buddy. Rock bottom has got to be down there somewhere.

This is almost literally the dumbest fucking thing I have ever read.

Shut up, this is 2018 in the U.S., not classical Greece. 47 is young to fucking DIE. A healthy, wealthy woman should easily live to 90 or so. 

This was a stupid post.