
I haven’t ever ONCE been down there and not seen some bro playing with that bull’s balls. So much integrity. 

Such a fucking piece of shit. You are truly disgraceful and I can’t stand seeing these other politicians pander to you. I wish someone would just publicly put you back in the swamp you crawled out of Trump. Fuck this handshaking/dick measuring contest all these world leaders are doing, call him out on his BS and make

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

You actually think this would hurt him if enough people did know? In Montana? I bet this adds a significant percentage to his total.

i think this might be too late so not enough people will know about this assault, but i would love to be wrong

Agreed. Once blades were locked up like plutonium (and priced like it, too), and then the mail-order “clubs” formed (ugh), I went to disposable (and recycle them, which I hope in CA is kosher). More than two blades is bullshit, and I don’t even need a pivoting head. Big Blade only has itself to blame for this

The answer to overpriced razors is never buy more than a double blade. Once you’ve got 3, 4, or 5 blades stuffed into the edge, they clog up and get dull and disgusting very quickly. You can get a 12-pack of pivoting double blade razors -with comfort-strips - for about 1/2 what you’d pay for 3-5 edge razors - and

And they aren’t Catholic. You’re right, it’s like playing dress up. I hate to criticize their dress since they have every right to wear whatever the fuck they want, but it just seems like an odd choice for two fashion conscious women to wear, basically funeral clothes on a state visit, during the springtime. They just

Really though, why are the women both dressed in all black with veils? Is this something I don’t understand because I’m not Catholic?

I’m still not there with you yet. Mueller being put in as special prosecutor seems it would be the sensible thing to get attorneys (?) that have knowledge of the impeachment process.

LOL there really is a stock image for everything isn’t there

We need an actual impeachment first. Then I will be happy.

There won’t be. Unless the people in those Red districts demand that their Representatives support impeachment and threaten their re-election chances.

Electrolysis might work...?

Speaking as someone who stupidly tweezed out her slight widow’s peak one time at 14... yes, the growout phase is unbearably hilarious/hideous.

She’ll have to maintain this persona until the end of time, too, because I can’t imagine how unbearable that growing-out phase would be.

I came to the comments looking for an explanation of that. I think she has shaved her widow’s peak. It looks a lot like when the Mad Men actor who had to shave for Pete’s receding hairline.

They should book her for Fyre Festival 2018.