That last pic there, that’s the face of pure joy.
That last pic there, that’s the face of pure joy.
Nice work is In, I love the story being upbeat, positive, something different and something worth reading. I am happy to see it on this site and I believe if more stories like this were reported on we would be a happier forum people.......
I honestly have never hated anyone as much in my fucking life. Literally everything he does wants me to punch a hole in the wall. His hand motions, the way he condescendingly looks down like “calm” when reporters are asking question, he’s muffin top build...everything about that man is punchable.
Hibiki is a Japanese word which can be translated as “echo” among other meanings.
Brian this is a great story,
Color me shocked. With everything coming out now do we really need to keep debating why Clinton lost? This bullshit about her not being good enough is... just bullshit.
If it weren’t so fucking horrifying, this shit would be hilarious..
There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.
Yup. But who i really feel sorry for are those poor investigators he sent to Hawaii who found some “amazing” things about Obama who apparently have disappeared. Thoughts and prayers
I 100% agree, but I also have to remember that something so obvious to me is not that obvious to an overwhelming portion of this country given that Trump-supporting Republicans control the White House, Senate, House of Reps, Supreme Court, 33 state governorships, and 34 state legislatures. He is a moron, but he’s the…
Coming from a guy who accused his predecessor of being a secret Kenyan. God please get rid of this fucking buffoon.
That’s a pretty impressive gif loop.
Thanks Obama.
Sidenote- when did the “ok” sign get co-opted by the Alt-Right? weird thing to latch onto.
I think some were probably referring to Kylie’s plastic surgery, waaayyyy more extreme than Kim’s even. Kim still looks relatively like herself, Kylie looks like a completely different person. She was once any unremarkable neighbourhood white girl, and is now an, as you say “basic” ***Kardashian***
I would go so far as to call her legitimately unattractive
I have nothing against the K people, but I’m going to raise you and say that before plastic surgery she skewed below average to me.
I know this will come off as being a petty teenager hater, or some kinda shaming, especially since she’s a Kardashian. But i promise, it’s not.
I was thinking that after last week trump saying that he is so busy his staff doesn’t know everything, spicey is just CYA by saying , “what he said is what he said.”
I can’t wait for Paul Ryan, Marcus Rubinstein, et al to come out with their courageous condemnations of this, since I know how concerned they are about mishandling of classified information. /s