
I gotta say, this is definitely a +1 for the de Blasio administration which.... has been middling, at best, thus far. The school handled the situation perfectly, and the way he backed the school sets an excellent precedent.

jesus christ, that is horrifying. thank god he didn’t douse her in kerosene.

I thought there was some overt ‘Cate Blanchett’ going on myself...

ha ha ha I feel like I am going mad. Trump asked Comey to pledge his loyalty in a dinner where supposedly his job (Comey’s) was on the line. Remember when the conservatives and the media were in full storm mode because Bill Clinton said hello to Attorney Lynch? ha ha h ah ah ah ha ha gaaaahhhh

Didn’t the right spend like eight years proclaiming Obama was a dictator because of his use of Executive Orders? Other than maybe the hardcore libertarians, they’ve gotten a little quiet on that subject.

They did find an instance of voter fraud during the election.

Every time something big is going to happen, it just peters out. Nothing ever sticks to Trump, it’s annoying.

He can’t bear, even for a second, the idea that he isn’t 100% “the man in charge.” Even in a case where any logical person would try to distance themselves from this mess 45 is like “No, fuck you. I’m the one who made the call. I decided to fire him with no good reason.”

Holy shit. I knew those agencies were out of control, but I thought they reserved their abuses for people passing across the border. I’m surprised that they treat each other like that. (not that abusing immigrants, citizens, and travelers is acceptable, just that it’s more expected)

Congratulations, grads. You managed to take one of the more boring experiences of life (sitting and listening to people dispense mindless platitudes about life) and turn it into an exciting event filled with drama and tension. And you got to make Betsy DeVos appear deeply uncomfortable. You kids are awesome, and

What people forget about the first two Alien movies (or are too young to remember) are just how refreshingly adult they were...after Star Wars.

They’ve all been shite since Pvt Hudson died.

There are exactly two movies in this franchise worth a goddamn: Alien and Aliens. They are both very different types from each other, which is kind of unusual. The original Alien is a horror story set to a scifi backdrop, whereas Aliens is more of your typical military science fiction “Ender’s Game” “Star Wars”

I love The Rock and I don’t feel bad about it.

I think Larry came after Colbert left.

Probably because they joined the cast after Colbert left?

Literally all I could do is laugh out loud because it’s so absurd. I’m surprised they didn’t put a (D) by his name.

The fact that there still are members of the GOP fighting this should hang on them like a fucking giant scarlet letter. Even John McCain had the common sense to call for a special prosecutor. Sure trump and companies treason have me furious, but the people complicit in this are making me insane.

Just realized what I’m really looking forward to. The next presidential inauguration. I wonder if Trump will even show. This shit show is beyond words.