
She led people to believe she had a bombshell. Then she pulled some American Idol bullshit, waiting til after the first commercial break. That is not journalism.

Haha. Exactly. Those look like sunburn blisters. I expected some gore.

Exactly this. I just keep thinking, “Now his supporters get to say that he pays his taxes.” I feel like it did way more harm than good.

I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

I’m not going to lie, I’d be pretty stoked about $200K. The idea of making $418K a day is making my head spin a little. What the hell do you even spend it on? Where does it go? Do you dive into piles like Scrooge McDuck?

Don’t answer. I don’t really want to know.

Irresponsible journalism. Maddow dithered for 20 minutes about nothing, and then the big reveal was 2 pages with no sources of income. Trump should absolutely release his full returns, but don’t pretend like what she had was anything worthwhile.

I’m trying to imagine what my spouse and I would need to do to make $418K a year. Even if it was in 2005 dollars, that would be an entirely different existence.

You’re more generous than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

I will never understand how the current administration gets away for all the bullshit they spew. It’s mind boggling. I miss the good old days when we had a president’s who’s biggest douche move was getting head in the oval office.

He likes her because she will happily defend every little idiotic thing he says, and that’s something he values highly; complete sycophants.

Is the taxes thing actual law? All i kept hearing during the campaign is that it was “precedent” because all other candidates had done it, but there wasn’t an actual law involved. Here there is an actual law being violated.

Kids and their fuckin’ markers, man. Look at how confident she is barging into Dad’s office, ready to mark some shit up... possibly her own face. (Says Dad who unsuccessfully tried to wipe marker off preschooler’s face this morning.)

“I’m just going to sit here and chill. Get my snack on.”

Part of me feels really bad for these folks because I know how pressured you can feel by aggressive cold-callers, but come on... just hang up the phone, lady.

Good for them! It is insane that we have a president who is using his position as THE FUCKING PRESIDENT to make more money for his companies/bring in more clientele.

I just don’t get the mental gymnastics skill that it takes for a brown person to somehow believe that they are safe in this country because they voted for 45. As if there’s some sort of halo effect that comes with the ballot receipt.

Nice to see that Trump supporters are fucking dolts regardless of ethnicity.

Just so you know, the commenter you are responding to is 100 percent a troll from the old Gawker days. He is one of a number of commenters who cover their periodical racist comments by normally posting innocuous ones, but make no mistake, he’s been around the gawkerverse leaving bigoted little comments for quite a

I’m the least tie wearing sumbitch you’ll ever meet and even I know how to do this shit without adhesive strips. This guy has no excuse. He’s just a schlub.

Good to see he’s back. The day and a half of being “presidential” lasted like a day longer than I thought it would.