
I think I have a photo of him being arrested

How was it “honest as he understood it at the time”?

Nope. Nope. The man in charge of determining the truth blatantly lied under oath.

That little racist shit is going down. I love how the intelligence is leaking out at opportune times. Trump has to be PISSED that he finally got some positive press and then the Sessions story dropped.

Lock him up! Lock him up! (oh wait he’s a Republican so it’s ok..nothing to see here)

He’s incoherent, which has accidentally worked for him. The thing is, even when he very clearly states something, someone in his administration simply claims that’s not what he meant - or simply states he never said it. So it says more about his supporters’ willingness to project and ignore than Trump’s competence,

Fuck this fucking guy right out the front door. I hope his bullshit comes back to bite him in the ass.

Go fuck yourself , you antisemitic idiot. Don’t forget to deny Holocaust and Babiy Yar.

I’m so sick of this shit. Any time anything contradicts his worldview, he declares that the opposite must be true - fake news, paid protesters, illegal voters, and now jews calling in bomb threats to themselves. If it looks like a nazi, acts like a nazi, and is threatening jews, it’s probably a fucking nazi donald.

YUP and whoever got to him first to explain whatever the issue is has now entirely shaped his opinions on it.

He’s Dilbert’s boss. Tell me I’m wrong.

Real question, I’m not concern trolling or anything: Did you have any concerns that publishing the metadata information would lead to your source being identified?

“bomp bomp” - Donald Trump

His expectation that foreign companies will accept a 10% tariff without passing a 10% price hike on to American consumers is astonishingly naive. As he says, it’s small enough that nations won’t fight it; it’s also small enough that Americans won’t fight it either - if you were willing to buy a $200 television set,

My initial response (to the headline) was to respond with some faux surprised snark. But the details are unbearable, devastating. May those children receive so much counseling and love, and not repeat the cycle of abuse. This is simply beyond words. The death penalty is too kind for this couple.

That is fabulous

I think I hate him less because I hate Trump so much. I don’t have enough malice to go around.

When W. is the voice of reason, things are quite fucked up.

Yeah, I agree. It seemed like he was trying to make it right as quickly and clearly as possible.