
This drives me ABSOLUTELY nuts. The right always says that liberals are whiney snowflakes in need of safe places when in fact their guy, Mr. Alpha Male, whines all the time. Someone should have told him that as President someone is going to say something bad about you every single day and if your fragile ego a

The amount of pure hatred I have for him is overwhelming.

Omg, can this guy ever STOP WHINING? Every. Fucking. Day. We have to listen to how unfair the. whole. damn. world. is to him. Donny boy, IF YOU STOP TALKING MAYBE YOUR APPROVAL RATING WILL GO UP A POINT OR TWO.

His hypocrisy is absolutely epic.

“There are lines that go back six blocks. I tell you that because you won’t read about it.” It’s getting exhausting listening to his lies. No one is reading about it, because it isn’t real— just like the Bowling Green Massacre.

Please tell me there aren’t many people around that need to be told that you can loop things through a loop?

Is radical Christian terroism a coined term yet? It needs to be.

Things you knew you were going to get with Hillary: Equal rights, respect, the protection of the government. Quelle horreur.

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

I have no doubt this pants-splitting moron voted for Trump. None whatsoever.

Let’s just hope none of those endangered tigers took a bite out of that big battery pack.

Your friend’s mom obviously deserved it.

1) Keanu seems like one of the few actors who’s not self-important and full of shit. He also donated a lot of what he earned in the Matrix movies to the crew, saying no one needs that much money. Dude’s got eternal points with me.

I’m very glad Keanu’s earned a third act. He’s seemed very grounded since the Matrix days, and from everything I’ve read, sounds like one of the true good guys in the industry. His pain has always been close to the surface, but he’s capable of moving past it, and that alone isn’t a small feat.

I used to feel that way, but not anymore. Not since we’re seeing a backslide of progress. The power of the wallet is too important, and I’ll continue to resist any way I can.

whooo-hooo!!! You *own* literacy.

Intentionally causing collisions is illegal. How about you just get out of the way instead of brake-checking?

Sooo, because they are driving dangerously you decide to cause an accident? Nice move.’re kinda a jerk...(actually, remove the kinda...).

So, he has no taste, no honor, no competence, and so far every directive has been not just wrong but very wrong.