
Just based on his pigheadedness and ego, I can’t see that happening unless he’s faced with much more dire consequences than unpopularity. He’s the type to cling to power and double-down on lies when called out for incompetence or malfeasance.

I can see it, but I think it would physically pain Trump to willingly put himself in the category of Nixon. Trump fancies himself a Reagan with a Kennedy future (Ivanka, etc.).

That “common man” stuff is the one thing I just can’t understand about Trump’s appeal. He’s lived his entire life in opposition to that value, without exception, and then all he has to do to convince voters is to give a speech saying “oh yeah I’ll totally help you out.” Just like that, he’s immediately trusted more

CNN posted a great article the other day that made me laugh and cry at the same time. It is about people in a small town who voted for Donald Trump.

Yep, he IS the POTUS, and he’s doing an absolute shit job at it

With Charmin Ultra Strong you don’t need anymore than 4 sheets for a first wipe and can probably get by with less. There are few things in this world I won’t cheap out on, toilet paper is one of those things.

“26" is right up there with “standing” in the world of absurd wiping answers that makes me question if we’re part of the same species.

3-4 for first one or two wipes. Then 2 is adequate. Once I’m down to two, I’ll wipe, then fold in half and wipe again. That way I can afford the finer things in life with the dinero I save. Also, you have to change directions, right? Go down for every upswing.

26?!!! You are either out of your mind, using the absolute worst TP on the planet, or both. Get some halfway decent stuff and you should be fine with 3-4.

One is cutting things pretty close, I can’t imagine only one. But 20, or whatever Drew was listing? That’s insane. I feel like all his advice is now suspect.

Fold, don’t wad. You can get away with two squares this way with halfway decent TP.

Dick Cheney was evil but competent and qualified.

This administration is so fucking corrupt it’s making me long for the integrity of the Bush administration.

So there’s going to be a full investigation, right? Or is this guy gonna say he’s sorry and peace out?

As a currently pregnant person, I’d like to tell this man to fuck the fuck off with his host bullshit. I wanted this baby and pregnancy is miserable as FUCK. This isn’t hosting, this is being bled fucking dry by a goddamned alien (if you’re reading this in the future, little dude, just know that I mean every fucking

Meanwhile, Trump and Co are busy setting themselves up to embezzle billions of dollars that will go towards building a pointless wall that will never be able keep out the very individuals he, and the people he represents, import into this country like it was a national pastime.

but her emails,. but she is sleeping at night, but she is taking long bathroom breaks and not to mention emails, mannnn

Then we get devil incarnate Mike Pence as president. He’s not an idiot. He’s a scheming monster. Now that he’s gone the new governor and Republicans in the state legislature are reversing all the stupid shit he did.

It truly speaks to the bottomless stupidity and inverse hubris of this man that he never realized for a moment that being President of the USA WOULD BE A HARD FUCKING JOB!

I love the Politico article that says he has been surprised that government cant be run like his business