
Chaffetz is a hypocritical dirty weasel.

Oh i am sure they will put a call out for “true American patriots” to come and work on this thing. Just wait they will turn it into their great source of nationalism and nationalistic pride.

Yeah. Whenever I see shit like this I get Jackie Chan WTF Meme Face. Like, the FUCK DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.

I can’t imagine any contractor would willingly take on this project. They’d be hounded in the press and there’s a distinct possibility they wouldn’t ever get paid. Also, how many of their employees (legal or not) are from Mexico? Especially if they’re already located in the area. I mean, maybe they could get

The so-called President is STILL losing the popular vote to Hillary.

That’s what’s terrifying/frustrating, it seems like they’re stacking the cabinet etc. to essentially remove checks & balances, so that when we cry “you can’t DO that, that’s illegal!” they’re just like, “so?”

I also have this question and aforementioned ennui.

But wait— she divested, right? So it not even her stuff? Right? Because the Trumps took care of all of their conflicts of interest.

But honest question, what are we going to do about it? What are the next steps here? I feel like we are shouting into a void about federal law and ethics and its making me very tired.

It’s interesting that the person at the center of this nonsense, Ivanka, hasn’t said anything about it herself while her dad and his employees break federal laws to convince people to buy her stuff.

um.....Lock Her Up?

Yes, if you think the “proper” penalty for having come to America illegally as a minor is forcible deportation, after someone has lived, worked, gotten married, had children, and paid taxes here for 22 years, you have a pretty fucked up set of priorities.

So we got all the gang members out first, right? Good, glad that’s over with.

Wow. Aren’t you a horrible piece of shit. You see a woman who has lived in this country since she was 14, being deported in front of her children and all you can think about is “breaking the law”. When laws are more important than human beings, then the laws are nothing more than oppression. Don’t hide behind the

Oh fuck you with a rusty crowbar for this bullshit. You’re a fucking sociopath if you’re unable to have some empathy for this woman and think that this is both a good thing for the country and a good way to use ICE resources.

is the proper penalty for an incredibly minor infraction to be exiled?
if you’ve ever parked crookedly, i hope they kick you out of the country.

That picture tho...gross.

“[Trump] called his national security advisor at 3 am with a pressing question he needed answered—is a strong or weak dollar better for the economy?”