
This is obviously horrible. But I doubt it will have any effect. The republicans don’t even need to pretend to care anymore, optics be damned. I mean they showed us who they are a million times and their asses still got re-elected.

Destroy his career! HA HA HA HA! Jokes!


I like this one, too.

I hope you’re just making these words up and they aren’t the actual lingo of some subgroup of people.

“Artist’s rendering of White House transition of power. Image via Kensington Palace/The British Monarchy.”

I’m sure you’re going to get swamped with some rude messages for this, but in this particular woman’s opinion, I think you ask a fair question. In my humble opinion, I think male allies striking alongside women not only shows solidarity, but actually increases the chances that things will fail to run properly, if not

What about the general strike planned for Feb. 17?

Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”

Kylie Minogue 4eva.

Looks like that NYT story and all of the President Bannon talk has officially gotten under Cheeto’s skin.

“Most horrifically, if we are still able to identify horror in our daily stew of urgent and physically-sickening emotions, is that Trump hasn’t really been all that involved in the writing of his executive orders (not that he’d likely help) and didn’t mean to appoint Steve Bannon, his white supremacist chief advisor

Ugh, that picture nearly made me lose my breakfast. Is there any way to check to see if I still have a soul?

Perhaps this has been covered here but since I don’t remember seeing it :

Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.

I had to pause the playback to laugh at that face for a good minute. That and “jewy” because you someone really wanted to say that to the press.

Bobby Moynihan’s horror face as Glenn Thrush is just me everyday now.

The writing was fucking spot on, almost as flawless as her makeup and wardrobe (they even made sure her suit collar floated in the back):

A+ wig game.

fun fact; the little spots on the Corvette’s rear window are tiny Corvette logos.