
I love the “Marathon, don’t sprint” comment, because, honestly, that’s my biggest fear.

That, eventually, people will get tired of protesting and just accept things to be the way they are for the next 2, 4, or (god forbid) 8 years.

Meanwhile his voters are still eating it up. People see themselves as temporarity displaced millionaires. I’m so fucking dejected and defeated that, even still, most Republicans - voters and elected officials - are just going right along with it and telling us it’s great. The law literally says that your financial

Someone should have the phone in hand and every time she opens her mouth (or in her case, the lying hole) check the fact on line and show it to her.


I haven’t even heard a hint about anything remotely negative about the guy. He and Tom Hanks are the only two Hollywood leading men I can say that about (other than being Chet Haze’s dad, but nobody’s perfect...). I’ve never met Keanu, but he seems like the kind of guy who would be real nice to you upon meeting him

During that period in the 90's when he was really getting raked over the coals for being a bad actor, he told an interviewer that he knew he wasn’t very good, but if studios wanted to pay him millions, it seemed stupid to turn them down. Also, he gave a huge percentage of his Matrix salary to the SFX and stunt crew

I long for the days when the sight of Johnny Depp didn’t make me cringe.

I honestly think I’ve never heard a bad thing said about Keanu in person. He is allegedly very approachable, nice to people he meets, treats the crews and staff on movies he works with as valuable contributors who deserve respect, and has almost zero ego. Just genuinely a good person.

I agree! I have a lot of love for him for some weird reason. If it was ever revealed that he was into some sort of nefarious shit I would be soo bummed.


I like what you are saying, but I’m not seeing/reading/hearing any significant results from the significant backlash. Republicans are moving forward with all their dark and ugly might. Are the vast majority of Repubs even noticing what We The People are on about? What are the glimmers of hope you’ve seen? It would be

Kellyanne Conway is her own worst enemy, and it’s glorious. Between the ineptitude of this administration, the sudden arrival of what appears to be spines among the house and senate democrats, and seeing the toll that all the phone calls, texts, emails, and faxes are taking on the GOP weasels, there have been some

Yes! I remember thinking the day of the election that there was a possibility Pissolini could win, and then I figured...naaaaah. And now we’re here.

What do we do though? I’ve been protesting, signing petitions, donating, calling my representatives, trying to get more involved in local politics, etc., but the frustrating thing is that it seems like no one can stop him. It also feels like we have no true leadership. Honestly I wish Obama would come back into the

With you here in the UK as well. I take it as a good day when I turn on the news and it leads with the latest Brexit fiasco rather than with what Trump just said on Twitter.

Does anyone else take a periodic break from the news? I don’t want to bury my head in the sand, but each one of these stories (ranging from him being an insensitive moron to committing absolute atrocities) makes my brain hurt more and more. How did this ever happen? How did 63 million people vote for this 70 year old

Seriously. Fuck Milo and the dickless Alt-Reich subhumans!!

Yes, Mark’s gay crush (maybe?). I love, love, love this show.

That’s why you’re here, to feel sorry for them. I’m here to laugh at them.

We need Alan Johnson to call them out as turkey fuckers.