
Yea, I am not one for burning it down for the sake of burning it down, but they are preaching about cooperation and all that shit while simultaneously changing the confirmation proceedings so they don’t have to deal with Democrats.

And apparently nothing to be gained from protest either. Basically this was Republicans saying “Oh, you’re going to block our nominees? That’s cute, we’ll just do away with the rules!”

Agreed. And people saying don’t filibuster Gorsuch, just shut the fuck up. Don’t you realize that if your starting statement is, “well we don’t want to sink to their level” - then you may as well just proactively write a bill that hands the entire US government to the Republican part in perpetuity because they are

There is literally nothing to be gained from any amount of cooperation.

“We took some unprecedented actions today due to the unprecedented obstruction on the part of our colleagues,” Sen. Hatch said in a statement. What does unprecedented mean again?

Can you imagine the collective Republican shit-fit that would have been thrown if we were spending $1million/day protecting OBAMA’S family in Chicago? There would have been a congressional fucking panel convened, and an investigation and shit. The hypocrites astound me.


Public perception seems to have no impact on the Trump family. While the Obamas would have been slammed and dragged through hell if Michelle had stayed in Chicago with the girls, nothing seems to stick to the Trumps, so what’s the difference.

Yeah, how’s that whole “anti-cyberbullying” thing going?

But Melania is a Trophy Wife. In order for a Trophy to do it’s assumed ‘job’, it must be displayed every now and then to intimidate or awe ones’ enemies and followers.

If it didn’t cost around a million dollars a fucking day I wouldn’t care where she lived... but seriously, our tax money is going to that? And trumpets are just like, yea it’s totes ok.

Of all the reasons to hate politics, the hypocrisy of the right on our current and last first ladies is right up there. Melania is on the cover of Vanity Fair eating diamonds and won’t move to DC yet it’s crickets on her because the left is too nice and the right doesn’t care. Michelle Obama asks kids to eat healthy

You lost me at being at the gate 25 minutes before boarding/departure. Isn’t the general rule to be there an hour before? Thought that’s in the US. International might be diff.

On your other notes, I totally agree that unbundling is a travesty. There is a market to present one price and you get all this stuff. It’s a

I have zero sympathy. ZERO. And I feel bad for everyone. If you didnt care that Trump and every single Republican said REPEATEDLY “We are repealing Obamacare but we wont tell you with what we will replace it with” and you voted for them DESPITE benefiting from Obamacare, zero fucks given.

I have a coworker whose husband has numerous chronic and expensive health problems (including cancer he’s currently receiving round 2 of chemo for, and uncontrollable diabetes due to a destroyed pancreas which is due to a form of scleroderma) - he’s on SS disability and she works 2-4 days a week as an hourly worker

I think a lot of stuff like this happened under Obama as well (maybe more drone strikes and fewer raids?). But I also think that it’s going to get far, far worse under Donald. He’s so concerned with seeming tough, and has so little capacity to make good careful decisions and so little concern for other people

Just more of the ever-present hypocrisy these Republicans are drowning (us) in.

Dogs are the absolute best. Their love is so pure and we do not deserve it. Cats are...fine.

Yes, Bobby can beat Jungletrax. BECAUSE HE IS A DOG. #teamdog #dontcare #bitemecatlovahs