
I have some bad news for ya, “Roddy”.

Land doesn’t vote. People do.


Yeah, that electoral college is shit, ain’t it?

And then Conway’s nonsense today doubled down on that, adding an outright threat to the press as well!

But that’s what makes it great. It is petty, but people are only focusing on it so much because HE cares so much.

Wooooo Go Sportsball!!

you know, i didn’t think i could love this man more than i did previously.

I just want to say how proud I am of everyone who went to the March. I went to the one in Topeka, Kansas, which was pretty small compared to some of the ones around the country (around 3,000 people), but that was so much more than I would have thought for such a die-hard republican state.

Absolutely! He should maybe set up a private email server, too!

“I knew that with Hillary, there would definitely be no hope for the unborn,” she explained. “But with him, I was very hopeful.” I’m so sick of these idiots.

Looks like Pence accidentally took his goosestepping pills this morning.

I don’t want to squash your optimism, but when TrumpPence fucks up, their supporters will blame it on Obama and “the Democrat Party”. These people already blame Obama for things that happened before he took office (such as Hurricane Katrina, The Great Recession, and TARP), they can easily blame him for things that

So proud of D.C. Right now. I’ve seen some pics and there is nooooooobody out. The only people around are bumbfucks with racists t-shirts. (Shocker, I know).

This makes me so fucking happy. Sure, it’s fleeting, but right now I’ll revel in the schadenfreude.

He’s not. It won’t be long before he goes into full meltdown mode. I’ll be watching with glee!